Why does he want to love the dudes and demean the women? I love girls, my natural instinct is to protect them, not make them feel like trash. I don't like the vibe that shit gave me.
This whole thing is none of my business, I'm just here to watch.... carry on
They can't handle the truth; they'd rather keep getting fucked by the system.
It's you guys that are having difficulty with the truth. Chomsky is slipping. He started out with the claim that prior to Sanders you could predict outcomes by campaign funding. That's not true. There is a general relationship between campaign spending and outcomes but his claim of a predictive relationship is not true, especially in a race with lopsided results. Also, his claim that Sanders would have won if not for the shenanigans of the Democratic party doesn't square with the facts.
"As I said, you can pretty well predict electoral outcomes simply by campaign funding alone. There's other factors that intensify it." -ChomskyHe started out with the claim that prior to Sanders you could predict outcomes by campaign funding. That's not true. There is a general relationship between campaign spending and outcomes but his claim of a predictive relationship is not true
check my posts. i've been a fan or bernie since before you were.
"Here comes Sanders, someone nobody ever heard ot"
As you say, Chomsky said you can pretty well predict electoral outcomes simply by campaign funding alone. This isn't true. You can't. There is a general trend showing larger spending increases the chance of winning but you can't "pretty well predict" the outcome of any individual race. There is too much scatter in the data for that. I know you can't understand this. You can repeat it all you like but it isn't true."As I said, you can pretty well predict electoral outcomes simply by campaign funding alone. There's other factors that intensify it." -Chomsky
He said you can pretty well predict electoral outcomes, just by looking at who spends more during the election cycle. That's true, there is a general correlation between campaign finance and votes. His larger point was;
"Here comes Sanders, someone nobody ever heard of, no support from the wealthy, no support from corporations, the media ignored or disparaged him, he even used a scare word "Socialist", came from nowhere. He would have won the Democratic party nomination if it hadn't been for the shenanigans of the Obama/Clinton party managers who kept him out, might have been president.. From nothing. That's an incredible break that shows what can happen when policies are proposed that do meet the general, just concerns of much of the population."
Which is also true
When Sanders arrived on the scene in 2015/2016, he was a virtually unknown Senator from Vermont. Without the help of corporate donors and establishment media, he showed what is possible "when policies are proposed that do meet the general, just concerns of much of the population."check my posts. i've been a fan or bernie since before you were.
i still voted for hillary in the primary and so did my wife. we just thought she was better and her plans had a better chance of actually passing. i'd let either one of them sit there and pick judges though.
noam chomsky is great but his opinion pieces are not facts padaraper
"There's other factors that intensify it."As you say, Chomsky said you can pretty well predict electoral outcomes simply by campaign funding alone. This isn't true. You can't. There is a general trend showing larger spending increases the chance of winning but you can't "pretty well predict" the outcome of any individual race. There is too much scatter in the data for that. I know you can't understand this. You can repeat it all you like but it isn't true.
The red line shows the trend, yes, more spending increases chances of winning. But there is too much scatter around that trend line to provide any predictive capability of any individual race.
What does all of this tell us? That our shorthand for political success — more money, more votes — was validated in 2012.
Bernie lost because he failed to win in the south. The reason he lost n the south is because black voters preferred Clinton. He never had a chance after that. It's not as if his losses were due to his unknown status at the beginning of the primary, either. He was plenty well known by then. Also the trend didn't change over time. Throughout the rest of the campaign, Sanders never polled well with Hispanic and black voters.When Sanders arrived on the scene in 2015/2016, he was a virtually unknown Senator from Vermont. Without the help of corporate donors and establishment media, he showed what is possible "when policies are proposed that do meet the general, just concerns of much of the population."
Chomsky is an established academic with decades of valid progressive political activism and analysis under his belt. I can't think of a single time he was wrong on a political issue. Why would someone like Chomsky assess the evidence in regards to the Democratic primary and conclude that it was rigged against Sanders by the Democratic political establishment? Why would he say Sanders would have won if it hadn't been for that?
Speculate. Why do you think Chomsky believes the Democratic primary was rigged against Sanders?Bernie lost because he failed to win in the south. The reason he lost n the south is because black voters preferred Clinton. He never had a chance after that. It's not as if his losses were due to his unknown status at the beginning of the primary, either. He was plenty well known by then. Also the trend didn't change over time. Throughout the rest of the campaign, Sanders never polled well with Hispanic and black voters.
Unlike you, I don't claim to read minds. I only know that Chomsky's claim isn't backed up by the facts. Sanders lost because he failed to connect with women, Hispanic and black voters. There are plenty of opinion pieces published by black and female analysts who try to explain why. Suggest you stop listening to you-tube and try to understand for yourself why this is true. Denying the facts isn't going to get you any answers.
There is data that corroborates this, it's something like 95% of the time whichever candidate spends more in a federal election wins.
Money is pretty good predictor of who will win electionsNo there isn't something like 95 percent of the time whichever candidate spens more in a federal election wins.
Chomsky didn't make any claims about individual races. He referenced the trend in federal elections in general, that the more you spend, the more likely you are to win. His point being that Sanders made it competitive without having to utilize traditional means of fundraising, like corporate or Super PAC donations simply by appealing to a populist progressive message. His message is what made it competitive.Yes, there is a trend that shows more campaign spending increases the likelihood of winning. But nothing like what you claim for any individual race.
He's wrong. What possible reason could I have trying to speculate why?Speculate. Why do you think Chomsky believes the Democratic primary was rigged against Sanders?
Oh good god. You are quoting an occupy wall street protester's sign as proof.
Why do you believe he's wrong? The reason(s) why you think Chomsky is wrong are important to get an accurate idea of whether you're assessing his conclusion based on logic and reason or preconceived biasesHe's wrong. What possible reason could I have trying to speculate why?
No matter how much you want it to be so, the primary was not rigged. Sanders did not win because of shenanigans. There is too much information available that refutes these claims.
The following are cittations of real reporting, on the subject, not an opinion piece such as your you-tube vidieo.
That's an opinion piece by Phil Rucker
-"DNC preferred Clinton over Sanders"https://www.washingtonpost.com/news...y-for-hillary-clinton/?utm_term=.906e464f5234
"Brazile’s claims show that two things are true. First, the DNC preferred Clinton over Sanders"
Article 5; Section 4 - DNC Charter and Bylaws
The National Chairperson shall serve full time and shall receive such compensation as
may be determined by agreement between the Chairperson and the Democratic National Committee. In
the conduct and management of the affairs and procedures of the Democratic National Committee,
particularly as they apply to the preparation and conduct of the Presidential nomination process, the
Chairperson shall exercise impartiality and evenhandedness as between the Presidential candidates and
campaigns. The Chairperson shall be responsible for ensuring that the national officers and staff of the
Democratic National Committee maintain impartiality and evenhandedness during the Democratic Party
Presidential nominating process.
aka. riggingand provided her campaign with power over the committee in exchange for financial support."
Second, while the DNC preferred Clinton, this may have had little impact on the actual outcome of the primaries."
Yet another opinion piece..https://www.thenation.com/article/the-democratic-primary-wasnt-rigged/
Nobody claimed what the DNC did was illegal. I posed the question after the primary if it should be illegal, and you said it shouldn't.“To the extent that the nomination was rigged in the sense that there was illegal activity going on that was directed by the Democratic Party or the Clinton campaign to sabotage Bernie Sanders’s chances, I’ve seen no credible evidence of that,” says law professor Rick Hasen of the University of California–Irvine.
That's a politifact articleOh good god. You are quoting an occupy wall street protester's sign as proof.
Go away. You are getting desperate.
You are desperate.That's a politifact article
You can't argue the points, so you dismiss the messenger. I just spent 20 minutes reading through the sources you posted and debunked them. That's the power of being on the right side of the issue. Try addressing the facts instead of resorting to common logical fallacies.