Superdelegates in the Democratic Party (Primary) should be eliminated

Superdelegates in the Democratic Party (Primary) should be eliminated

  • I agree. I oppose Superdelagates

  • I disagree. I support Superdelegates

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What do Democrats support?

Do you support the elite legally being able to subvert the will of the electorate based on superdelegate votes?

the electorate chose hillary both times. obama won based on superdegates in 2008, and superdelgates did not matter in 2016.

btw, where is the option in your poll for "superdelegates should be allotted proportionally based on the vote in races close enough to matter"?

you are such a naive child.
Then why did you deny it when we were telling you the exact same thing? That Clinton was cheating? Why did you choose to ignore it and deny it instead of just claiming politics was a "dirty game"?

You didn't do it then because you didn't anticipate what came out to come out. So you can shove your false justifications straight up your ass.

"Politics is a dirty game, only when you get found out. People like you will deny the dirty tricks up until you get caught using them. You cheat until you get caught cheating. Then you deny cheating until we catch you with something you can't deny. Then, finally, when you finally accept you can't lie anymore and you've been completely exposed as the liar that you are, you tell the truth in the hopes of some redemption..

what's in a name, dem repub? establshment is the common multiplier stake?: money and lots of it.

follow the money to those who wish to destroy us.

next and those advertising dollars that would disappear with no delegate process.
Why do you care what the Democrats do? You and your crew have spoken nothing but disdain for the Democratic Party for months. Further you all have spoken of your own party, so fuckin do it. Unless of course, which we all know is true, you'd rather co-opt the infrastructure of a successful established party than create one from inception; because entitlement.
Thank you.