Supergirl stunted due to heat stress help!


Well-Known Member
Hello to all looking in hope you can help, i have five supergirl plants grown from seed which were doing fine until i had a hot day which caught me out and the temps went up hitting 35 C

This stressed and burned the plants which were only a few weeks old.

I have dealt with the temp and they have made a recovery and the leaves have picked up and new ones developed but it's been a week now and nothing seems to be happening, the roots look ok and seem to be growing still but the plants themselves look like they are not growing or if so looks very slow.

Should i stick with them or start again is my main question?

At the moment i have removed all nutes and have just fresh PH water in there was going to run that for a day or two. Maybe this is wrong not sure but really don't know what to do they are about 4 inches high can supply pics in morning if this helps.

KB :-(


Well-Known Member
Stress usually causes plants to slow down drastically in growth for a while. I wouldn't give up on em. They should kick back into gear within a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Stress usually causes plants to slow down drastically in growth for a while. I wouldn't give up on em. They should kick back into gear within a week or two.
And definitely heat stress will do this. Cool them off, let them recover, don't give them fertilizer until they "tell" you they need it just yet.

Edit: You haven't said a thing about how they're being grown. This can affect what advice you get.


Well-Known Member
Ok, then don't mind my advice about the nutes, because I don't grow hydroponically and am not familiar. I was just assuming a soil grow.