Superman's Outdoor Grow 09'


Well-Known Member
hows everything goin superman!
Looks real good man!
thats stuff is amazing congrats man
thanks guys! everything is turning out great so far..I already cut my chocolope and super lemon haze..had to do it in a hurry last week so sorry no harvest pics..but I have them both curing right now.. soon as they are done I will do some finished product pics..the chocolope produced the most out of the both..but I wouldnt trade quality for yeild when it comes to the super lemon haze..

I have tried taster nugs of both strains in my vaporizer and I have to say the super lemon haze wrecked me...although the chocolope is a excellent strain that I am very excited to have..I see why the super lemon haze won the c-cup last year..i wouldnt be suprised if it didnt win this year..

anyway..the SLH is amazing and I recommend it to anyone..when I was chopping it I was so intrigued by its wonderful lemony really does smell like lemon heads..the taste is excellent too..job well done GH..

i yeilded around 3 oz dried of my superman strain..beautiful finished buds..smells almost licorice..