SuperSkunk & WhiteWidow Dwc Grow

Humidity is taking the piss , how can it be 45-55% outside the tent but only 17-25% inside and that's after soaking a towel.
I get the whole heat hing n its gona dry the air but this is a joke. Never ever had this problem running a 600w in the past.

Anyone rate the OMEGA Brand bulbs/ballasts??? Did you have heat issues.
I've ran 600's before and never had this amount of heat,, was using Rvk100 to extract last time so why is the Rvk125 not doing a better job of getting rid of the hot air?

Only way to keep the air around plant cool is to direct cold air intake right at it, and leave the tent open at base to let extra air in.
WP_20160501_17_54_57_Pro.jpg Topped today to let her bush out , will add the net for scrog in a week or two once she gets bigger.
WP_20160502_17_21_41_Pro.jpg WP_20160502_17_23_44_Pro.jpg WP_20160502_17_24_00_Pro.jpg Right ,,, had to take down the 600w but just until I get the cooltube a week on Wednesday.
There wasn't really any other options other than go back to the Cfl, the one that blew up was replaced free of charge by seller on amazon so saved a few grey hairs wondering what to do..

Temperature is back to normal now, 75-85f.

Today I thought "what the hell" and put in the SCROG net , not too sure if I will keep it up or not coz I dnt really like being restricted , the tents small and bad enough as it is without more obstructions in the way.
Day 31 (veg)
EC 1.0 as I tried to raise it slightly and seen leaf tip burn so reduced back to 1.0 for now which is roughly 1/4 strength Adv nutes sensi grow. Give or take a few ml.WP_20160504_15_14_10_Pro.jpg WP_20160504_15_14_45_Pro.jpg WP_20160504_15_14_24_Pro.jpg WP_20160504_15_14_31_Pro.jpg
Ph always between 5.8-6.0
WP_20160507_22_11_39_Pro.jpg week 5 of veg.
EC still 1.0 ph 5.9
she is starting to fill out a bit more , still slower than id like but wont matter in a few days once I turn on the HPS ,,, I did try again yesterday to control the heat when the big light was on but the temps outside reached 26c so temps inside rocketed to almost 100f again.
Day 39 (veg)
EC 1.0 - ph 6.0

Got my cooltube fitted yesterday as my temps were through the roof bcoz of the extra warm weather we've had here in the UK.

Experimented yesterday with diff ways to exhaust the hot air,, I couldn't just put ducting out the window for obvious reasons, ie (neighbours) so had to cut 5" hole in bedroom ceiling and vent hot air directly into the loft space.

Now my room is a comfortable temperature the tent isn't heating up that much.
Before it was 90-100f (all day) , Now its maxing out at 86f which is much much better than before. I can sit in the room without loosing weight lol.

I'm a lil busy today but I will try n take a few pictures later on or maybe even tomorrow morning as iv got way too much to do and not enough time to do it in. No rest for the wicked as they say lol.

Anyway.peeps thanx for stoppin by , have a nice day and I will see you on the dark side.
WP_20160516_13_24_25_Pro.jpg WP_20160516_13_24_39_Pro.jpg WP_20160516_13_24_28_Pro.jpg Sorry for the slow update peeps, been quite busy over the last week.

SuperSkunk day 3 of Flowering
Raised Ec to 1.4
Ph 5.9
Temps low 80's Humidity - Low 40's - High 30's

Right where were we?
After installing the cooltube temps decreased but only after I exhausted the hot air directly into the loft.

Shea now 3days into flower , and everything seems to be ok, since putting her under the 600w hps she's grown quite alot and is branching out nicely.

For the first couple days I was increasing the nutes slowly till I found what she wanted and now its at 1.4Ec and stable.
Till now she looked alot lighter in colour say a lime green / yellow, which I'm thinking is just down to slightly under feeding , so now that the Ec is stable and not dipping down overnight I think that she will get darker within a couple days.

I know the picture looks nice n dark but under the HPS she looks really light n almost yellow compaired to normal , I know the hps is making her look that light but it still makes you think theres sumfin wrong ,,, bet you guys get the same ???
WP_20160516_22_26_54_Pro.jpg WP_20160516_22_27_15_Pro.jpg Took 4 clones today, just the bottom branches that wouldn't amount to much. Might take a couple more just incase coz I asked my sister to get clonex and she came back with pound shop cloning power,, I hate using stuff I know nothing about so pretty sceptical as to whether this stuff will work. Will get proper Clonex liquid nxt week and see how the 2 compair.

Hopefully in a week to 10 days there will be roots.. The lights are just 10-15w energy saver bulb x2 ,, Converted my tarantula's Viv lighting unit from a screw in fitting to normal Bayonet fitting so twin bulbs shud do the trick ,, might buy 2 slightly bigger bulbs for the unit coz these ones are tiny. That said they will still do perfectly for the job in hand, I'm just a fussy for and want bigger bulbs lol...

Thanx for stopping by......Peace
Forgot to mention that i soaked cubes in ph'd solution 5.8 and Ec 1.0

I've found over the years that clones like being fed similar to what the plant they come from is being fed strength wise.
Some ppl think they need to treat them like seedlings or young plants but infact they actually do better and root quicker they way I do it.
Each to there own n all that stuff, what works for some doesn't work for others.
Clone powder is turning black in places ,,, good sign/bad sign "who knows" will just need to wait n see i guess but to do that within hours seems a lil odd.
WP_20160516_22_53_46_Pro.jpg WP_20160516_22_54_06_Pro.jpg WP_20160516_22_55_20_Pro.jpg Anyone in here ever seen this stuff from the pound shop , possibly poundland. They also do GROW ,BLOOM AND PK 13/14 BOOST. My sister got all 4 for under a fiver lol , read a lil bit about others using this but was years ago and no one finished there journals and no one mentioned whether the clone powder worked. I'm not gonna use the grow,bloom or pk 13/14 , there going straight back out to the shed and she can use that shit on tomatoes or something lol. Will post a few pics of the POUNDLAND nutes in a min.

Hey they might be ok as a backup , say if I totally ran out of nutes but I'm not taking the chance right now.
Maybe one day I might experiment,,, Side by side contest = Adv Nutes Vs POUNDLAND Hahahaaa
They say its concentrated but its not ,, Advanced nutes sensi grow is about 1ml per litre to give an Ec of 1.0 or there abouts but this stuff is like 5-6ml to get an Ec of 1.0

And it says to feed at 2.5ml per litre , that shud be full strength so at 2.5ml per litre your Ec value will be about 0.5 - 0.6ish

Must stress that I'm not using this stuff , I'm using Adv Nutes and will probably only ever buy Adv Nutes.
WP_20160521_17_09_03_Pro.jpg WP_20160521_17_08_29_Pro.jpg WP_20160521_17_08_07_Pro.jpg WP_20160521_17_12_39_Pro.jpg WP_20160521_17_12_17_Pro.jpg SuperSkunk @ day8 of flower.
EC reduced to 1.2 from 1.4 due to tip burn and rez is now stable, no fluctuations in Ec.
Ph 6.0 temps 78-80f Humidity 45-60%

Growing fast , well an inch a day and since topped has branched out very well.
Didn't expect as many tops but theres between 15-20 and that's good considering she's only 17inches in height.
Roots are filling the bucket and getting thick, I've been adding Liquid Silicone @ 3-4ml per 25litres which is good for the plant as it helps to protect the roots and helps build cells.
Not been online for a few weeks so I've got a few updates to do. I'm just going to post pictures from week 1 of bloom till now , 4weeks into bloom.
That root ball is gorgeous....good job! I havent experienced a white root ball since changing up nutes to FloraNova Bloom. Stuff is like mud in a bottle and stains the roots in my hydro buckets :(