Superthrive & Hygrozyme???? good shtuff or what??


Active Member
If anyone uses this stuff could you let me know your experiences with it and how I should use and NOT use it?? Oh yes, and I got some Cal-Mag Plus because i've uknowingly been using distilled water for the whole month they've been vegging and not adding and cal or mag. Just picked some up and going to be transplanting my ladies from one to two gallon pots tonight...
At work or I'd post a couple pics :-P Any insight helps, thanks ahead of time!!


Well-Known Member
If you have a specific question, I'd be glad to help... however you are asking very general questions, ones that most people might Google an answer up..... They are both good products, for doing what their labels read. The Superthrive is a B1 vitamin with hormones in it that will accelerate lush, green growth. It is awesome for rooting and for transplanting. If you are groing in soil, you likely won't need hygrozyme


Well-Known Member
I have no experience with Superthrive, but use Hygrozyme, once in awhile. IMO, it's not necessary, but it does provide a small boost to your soil's health, by providing beneficial bacterias, which could be lacking. I use it about every 3 weeks or so, as a precautionary measure, but honestly, worry about keeping your soil PH within spec, if you want good results. You can worry about Hygrozyme later, of you want, for further tweaking.

Isn't Superthrive nothing but a weak nutrient dose, overpriced, with a fancy label? That's the impression I got, anyway, and never looked into it further. :wink:


Well-Known Member
Superthrive and Thrive Alive are excellent products. I've never experienced transplant stress, and those with cloners swears it takes days off. If you ever have a plant that looks like it is having a bad day, give it some ST and watch what happens, then you can decide if it is overpriced or not. I personally believe it is worth every cent. :) I wish it was cheaper, but I'll keep using it. B1 isn't cheap.


Active Member
If you have a specific question, I'd be glad to help... however you are asking very general questions, ones that most people might Google an answer up..... They are both good products, for doing what their labels read. The Superthrive is a B1 vitamin with hormones in it that will accelerate lush, green growth. It is awesome for rooting and for transplanting. If you are groing in soil, you likely won't need hygrozyme
Well... i've kind of had some recent issues with my 4 wonder woman clones. They're in day32 of veg (if you care to look on page 2 or 3 of the plant problems thread i have pics) and they're getting pretty light green on the upper portion of the plants and some of the older leaves are getting lil brown freckle spots. Also I've been PLAUGED with off and on droopy leaves. FIRST GROW so I'm almost 100% sure i overw3atered at first. I took one of them out of the bucket last night and they were LOADED with roots. I grabbed some two gallons to transplant to tonight. Now, do I want to add superthrive to my normal watering schedule? Correct me if im wrong, it seems to be good for stressed plants or even just good for maintenance.. right? Oh, yes and the distilled water, I didnt know I should be adding some kind of cal, and mag supplements. Instead I'm going to use spring water from now on or RO. Any suggestions help, thank you for responding :)
yeah you are right superthrive works wonders!!!! I swear and stand by this product. It literally brings plants back from the dead.... well not too dead