Supper-cropped stem never made it back.


On my baby girls about a 2 weeks old I tried some supper cropping on their main stems to increase potential yield, after that I went straight into some LST with wires and rubberbands around the pots. My easily identifiable indica strain survived the supper cropping and still vigorously growing but the strain that I think is sativa, this is bag seeds, seems to not have fully recovered from the supper crop the main stem is flimsy and I tried adding more dirt over the weakened portion of it but has not recovered yet and I think is slowing the plant growth, is there anyway I can recover the plant or help it grow back:leaf:..? Plants are over 3 weeks now


Well-Known Member
How did you do your "super cropping"? There is lots of bad information out there about this particular technique.
Pics also help a lot.


I pretty much just rolled the stem back and forth with my fingers a few times while applying pressure with forefinger and thumb until I could feel some of the plant material breaking. Stem a week later is still about half the original size. Plants still growing, just fimmed pruned dying fan leaves and cotyledons and watered them. Sativa strain is just not recovering as fast as the indica which looks much heartier, I'm hoping to see some new growth with the fimming.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you just went a little to far.
You have to think about the size and age of a plant, and what the roots and leaves can support.
Super cropping is stressful to a plant, and at 2 weeks they don't have a lot of means to cope.
I think ya just pinched her a little to hard, should recover ok.


Yeah I would have to agree I am just curious if anyone has any tips on supper cropping and the regrowth process


Update: supper cropped stem has successfully healed stronger than before. I removed the LsT and put a piece of 1/4 tubing cut around the healing portion of the stem and healed within 3 days. Successful supper-crop