Suppersoil! Where do i find powdered humic acid and blood meal???


Active Member
I went down to my local hydroponics store and they said that they do not make blood meal anymore and that they only carry liquid humic acid...Does it matter whether i use liquid or powdered humic acid for the supersoil recipe from subcool?? Where can i find blood meal??
google "purchase blood meal", you'll get a bunch of options. did you try the garden store? the hardware store garden section? i guess it depends where you are, but if it's not anywhere around and you don't want to mail it to your house, see if the grow store will special order it...
You can order it straight to your house if you want. I have the luxury of Cali and all that comes with it. however if what you are ordering is something as random as blood meal than feel free to get it right at your doorstep. No red flags are going to come up with an item like that. If you are ordering seeds or a palet of organic soil and earthworm catings to your driveway than that might not be such a great idea. Or like the guy said above ask them at the grow shop. And if you are looking into doing subcool's supersoil (i'm doing a batch this spring for the first time) the whole concept of sunbaking it is to activate the beneficial bacteria and mychorrizal fungus'. So while thins like bone and blood meal are good soil ammendments. Make sure to spend some dough on good mychorrizal. While Great White is the most widely available product out there right now it is completely overpriced. Look into GreenGro Ultra-fine Mychorrhizae and Extreme Gardening products. I use their Azos and Mychos i believe its called. The entire reason why u sun bake it and keep it moist makes sense. When you use dormant fungus it is essentially water activated and there is a time lapse between using it and actually seeing the results of its use. Since cannabis has such a short life cycle it might take 3-4 weeks for the fungus and bacteria to do there thing. Sorry rambling a bit, just trying to help. good luck.
Thanks for the info brotha!! Im really siked about using Subcools supersoil recipe! His footsteps are good ones to follow
I found the powdered humic and kelp meal on ebay. Would you recommend thsese? Also, how much kelp meal to add? I didn't see Kelp meal in the list for Sub's SS.
I dont believe Kelp Meal is in the Ingrediants but i have heard it can add extra Benifital Microbs to your soil. I guess its really yours choice if you want to add it or no. Anyway i went and got all my Ingrediants for my Super Soil Yesterday. The only thing they didnt have was Azomite so ill be looking for that online. Heres a pic of the Humic acid i bought im not sure if it will work but im sure it will.
I went down to my local hydroponics store and they said that they do not make blood meal anymore and that they only carry liquid humic acid...Does it matter whether i use liquid or powdered humic acid for the supersoil recipe from subcool?? Where can i find blood meal??

I still wanna know the answer to the second question, sorry for reviving. I got a bottle of humic and a bottle of fulvic acid from humboldt in liquid.
Pour the bottles of humic and fulvic acid mix over the SS when you are watering it for the first time in the tubs.

This will distribute the humic and fulvic acids decently. You'll still want to mix it again in a few weeks. This probably won't be as ideal as powdered form, but it should work. I think sub says to give 3 gallons of water for each garbage bin of soil, so Id say just mix that 3 gal h20 with however much humic/fulvic acid you wanna add per tub, and pour it over. hope that helps...i don't really know the difference between liquid and powdered humic acid in regards to efficacy, so maybe someone else out there will be able to shed some more enlightenment...

good luck
I'm a newbee here, but I wanted to give a heads up. Check out these folks: Google Everwood Farm in Oregon. They carry all the Down To Earth products in stock. Prices were the best I have found, and they really seem to know what they are doing. Gave me some pointers that really saved my girls from disaster. Worth a minute to check it out.