Supplemental fogger theory


Well-Known Member
So I want to make a relatively quiet hydro setup so I was planning to get rid of my air pumps and setup a low pressure aero. But I want to know if I can incorporate foggers.I know the foggers produce too fine a mist to feed the girls. But can anyone tell me if the lpa feeds the plant, will the fogger s promote root hair growth?


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. I tried cheap pond foggers maybe 8 years ago. cause it sounded good. 2 problems

1. too much heat, although if on a deep cycle tmer could be controlled
2. The ceramic disc cannot handle more than ~ 300ppm will quickly die

If you plan to feed them from a central rez, use a small lp pump with venturi on a deep cycle timer to keep nutes oxygenated between feedings. I run 3-4 minutes on 20-30 minutes off


Well-Known Member
So I want to make a relatively quiet hydro setup so I was planning to get rid of my air pumps and setup a low pressure aero. But I want to know if I can incorporate foggers.I know the foggers produce too fine a mist to feed the girls. But can anyone tell me if the lpa feeds the plant, will the fogger s promote root hair growth?
skip the LPA and do whatever these guys do. check out the roots on these bitches.



Active Member
Fogger droplets are too small and LPA droplets are too big.

Read up on Fatman's Medium Pressure Aero. His setup gets you into the right droplet size range without the need for pressure tanks.


Well-Known Member
I tried MPA/HPA for ~ 4 grows. Part of the problem was I was using the wrong nutes (non sterile), and temps in my grow room during 8 months of the year are too hot: tiny roothairs are extremely sensitive to 70*+ temps.

Add to that the need for deep root chambers which most small growers do not hive adequate height to accommodate

Plus constant mixing of nutes due to D2W

This led me back to F & D


Well-Known Member
Here's a pretty good article on Fogponics. It's a cool concept, and the roots get really really fine, because the water droplets are small enough to be considered "vapor". I've used them to add humidity to my grow when the space was too tight to fit a cool-mist humidifier. The problem is the atomizers (or "Ultrasonic Nebulizers") get cruddy with salts and minerals really fast. You have to clean them constantly. There are specific atomizers for fogponics that use a stronger discs, but I don't know how well these work in comparison.

There are all sorts of Ultrasonic Nebulizers out there, if you browse around.