Supplemental lighting question


Well-Known Member
I've heard that while trying to keep outdoor plants in veg, u can turn a light on in the middle of the night for only a half hour and it will keep them in veg instead of having to turn your light on 3-5 hours before the sun rises and leaving it till then sun has risen. Will turning the light on for only 30 minutes in the middle of the night keep them from going to flower? My reason is I want to have the light on as little as possible to avoid detection. Thanks for info


Well-Known Member
Have you tried this method before ? I'd love to hear from some people that have experience.
Actually, no, I haven't! But neither have I heard that this method of keeping your plants in Veg causes extra stress (or Hermies), From what I understand it just disrupts the production of certain hormones so that the the plants don't accumulate "12 uninterrupted hours" worth (of those hormones) - thereby staying in Veg Mode.

Again, as for as I know, this method doesn't cause stress (or Hermies) - it just keeps plants in Veg Mode. I would be interested in hearing about any reputable information to the contrary!


Well-Known Member
Sweet thanks for your replies... I read around for a while and most of the people that have tried it say it works great. Think I'll give it a go

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
It works.
I never saw any bisexuality in my plants from it.....
It did make them kinda stringy and longer node spacing.....yielding was mostly normal except that I couldn't fit as many plants in the space so in the end the over all yield was down for lack of plants.
