Supreme Court rolls back spending for Corporations

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
uh huh , sure.

What works has already been proven, you just don't like the way it has to be done, which is letting the ppl keep their own earnings and invest it so other PRODUCERS can innovate.

You seem to think that the govt doesn't. It is the most inefficient way to do anything.

Reaganomics is still the crown jewel of performance. Bar none.
Yes think of all the prison guard and police jobs Reagan "created" with his war on drugs. Reagan knew enough to recognize that big government was bad, but not enough to realize his own hypocrisy regarding personal freedom.


New Member
Reagan didn't start the war on drugs...even you know that much.

Back on topic.... did you guys actually watch Obama embarrass himself during the State of the Union?

He did graduate from Harvard right? As a law graduate right?

Harvard must be CRINGING!! :lol: What a rube!!

Now I know why his school papers are sealed....:lol: