Supremes rule racist policies to fight racism is unconstitutional...go figure

It's inconceivable. I owe you $30. Fuck.

I realize most of the members here will never do anything of consequence. I think that's part of why I joined this forum--I was attracted to being above partisanship. To be honest, the only reason I ever found myself here was because I had some weed in my possession but no piece, and thus I needed to construct one (I don't buy it often, and indeed it's been awhile right now. To anticipate a reply, if anyone is going to say what should you expect from a weed forum, I've been a member of many political forums, and they're all exactly the same--substance abuse of any kind is irrelevant to the quality of discussion in an open forum). I came here as a result of a google search and successfully built a very successful piece based on instructions I found here.

I saw a politics forum and wracked up my first reputation points from Abandonconflict, Unclebuck, and Chesusrice. I was arguing against Dr Kynes and totally destroying him. They loved it. They ate it up. They were my lovers here for awhile. Nodrama and Harrekin were my fiercest critics back then. These days the opposite seems true. All those people who used to cheer me on now call me an idiot; all those who called me an idiot back then now find themselves agreeing with a lot of the things I say.

I take great pride in that. In this forum, for almost every consequential member, I have been an enemy and a friend. Unfortunately, in almost every case, the focus has been on "enemy" and not on "friend." My sole goal here has been to further fact over ideology, experience over cold argument. That's all I ever wanted. Almost every well-known member here contributed to my reputation points in the old software, and I took great pride in that.
I achieved what I wanted to achieve, which was to be non-partisan, to cross the boundary between left and right in order to find some center.

If you don't believe me about my life experience that's fine. I'm young, that's true, but well-educated and well-experienced. I have a doctorate and I've had an office on Capitol Hill. I've worked on federal legislation and I have edited federal publications. You don't have to believe me. It really doesn't matter, I'd rather stand on my strong words than on accomplishments I'm unwilling to disclose. But I did it, and that's more than most here can say.

If I am now so despised and my perspective so irrelevant here I guess there's no point in continuing. I came here to blow off the steam I feel in my real life, where I am prohibited from freely expressing myself because of professional demands. If I've overstayed my welcome, if I've perturbed you so much, then I can leave. There's no point in contributing here if I've just become an irrelevant laughingstock.

But please know that all I have ever done here is relay my real life experiences and my knowledge, hoping that they would benefit you, given that they have certainly benefited me; hoping that you might question whatever it is you believe given some challenge, And if not, so be it. Then I have failed. I apologize for that failure.

If you wanted me to wash my hands, I wash them. I can disturb you no more, which should be easy given that my appearances here have been intermittent, corresponding to the demands of my real life. All I ask in return is that you question those you agree with, that you critically evaluate whatever sources they cite, that you seek truth over victory, whatever that might mean.

And if I have been a burden to you, I will be a burden no more. If my perspective is meaningless and fictionalized then I will not pollute your world any longer with what you believe to be fictional perspective.
I realize most of the members here will never do anything of consequence. I think that's part of why I joined this forum--I was attracted to being above partisanship. To be honest, the only reason I ever found myself here was because I had some weed in my possession but no piece, and thus I needed to construct one (I don't buy it often, and indeed it's been awhile right now. To anticipate a reply, if anyone is going to say what should you expect from a weed forum, I've been a member of many political forums, and they're all exactly the same--substance abuse of any kind is irrelevant to the quality of discussion in an open forum). I came here as a result of a google search and successfully built a very successful piece based on instructions I found here.

I saw a politics forum and wracked up my first reputation points from Abandonconflict, Unclebuck, and Chesusrice. I was arguing against Dr Kynes and totally destroying him. They loved it. They ate it up. They were my lovers here for awhile. Nodrama and Harrekin were my fiercest critics back then. These days the opposite seems true. All those people who used to cheer me on now call me an idiot; all those who called me an idiot back then now find themselves agreeing with a lot of the things I say.

I take great pride in that. In this forum, for almost every consequential member, I have been an enemy and a friend. Unfortunately, in almost every case, the focus has been on "enemy" and not on "friend." My sole goal here has been to further fact over ideology, experience over cold argument. That's all I ever wanted. Almost every well-known member here contributed to my reputation points in the old software, and I took great pride in that.
I achieved what I wanted to achieve, which was to be non-partisan, to cross the boundary between left and right in order to find some center.

If you don't believe me about my life experience that's fine. I'm young, that's true, but well-educated and well-experienced. I have a doctorate and I've had an office on Capitol Hill. I've worked on federal legislation and I have edited federal publications. You don't have to believe me. It really doesn't matter, I'd rather stand on my strong words than on accomplishments I'm unwilling to disclose. But I did it, and that's more than most here can say.

If I am now so despised and my perspective so irrelevant here I guess there's no point in continuing. I came here to blow off the steam I feel in my real life, where I am prohibited from freely expressing myself because of professional demands. If I've overstayed my welcome, if I've perturbed you so much, then I can leave. There's no point in contributing here if I've just become an irrelevant laughingstock.

But please know that all I have ever done here is relay my real life experiences and my knowledge, hoping that they would benefit you, given that they have certainly benefited me; hoping that you might question whatever it is you believe given some challenge, And if not, so be it. Then I have failed. I apologize for that failure.

If you wanted me to wash my hands, I wash them. I can disturb you no more, which should be easy given that my appearances here have been intermittent, corresponding to the demands of my real life. All I ask in return is that you question those you agree with, that you critically evaluate whatever sources they cite, that you seek truth over victory, whatever that might mean.

And if I have been a burden to you, I will be a burden no more. If my perspective is meaningless and fictionalized then I will not pollute your world any longer with what you believe to be fictional perspective.
I don't always agree with you, nor you with me. But I like your input.

Truth over victory is the quest we should all be on, and it is my aim as well. There are others here I feel that applies to. But neither they or me, or even you is perfect in that quest.

I understand your concern, I agree with most of those here who despise me, which means they also agree with me, on far more than we disagree, but one opinion on one issue prevents the vast majority of them from ever having anything positive to say about anything I say... the real shame is they can't even seem to accurately describe my position on that issue, always attributing thoughts to me I don't have.
I saw a politics forum and wracked up my first reputation points from Abandonconflict, Unclebuck, and Chesusrice. I was arguing against Dr Kynes and totally destroying him. They loved it. They ate it up. They were my lovers here for awhile.

i recall giving you rep and likes for dispelling twostroke's nutty conspiracies about the fed and money. you're not always wrong, but you do have your own set of nutty notions on racial issues which i attribute to your upbringing rather than intentional maliciousness on your part. like you said, you're still young.

and i like that you came back after a really rough spell undeterred, are ferocious, and rather intelligent.even in our last sparring about jesus and raxes and W4s, you had a good point or two for which i had no real response, even though i felt you conceded the meat of my argument. i don't quite recall the specifics offhand, but the point is that even when i think i have you dead to rights you often shift gears and make points i can not refute.

don;t go away or anything, just fight back. you;re pretty good at it.
I don't always agree with you, nor you with me. But I like your input.

Truth over victory is the quest we should all be on, and it is my aim as well. There are others here I feel that applies to. But neither they or me, or even you is perfect in that quest.

I understand your concern, I agree with most of those here who despise me, which means they also agree with me, on far more than we disagree, but one opinion on one issue prevents the vast majority of them from ever having anything positive to say about anything I say... the real shame is they can't even seem to accurately describe my position on that issue, always attributing thoughts to me I don't have.

Tell me more about how un-gay you are when sucking, licking, and gulping that non-gay semen. You weirdo. You are a well spoken, and articulated poster - but, I cannot for the life of me figure out why you...ahhh fuckit never mind......
I realize most of the members here will never do anything of consequence. I think that's part of why I joined this forum--I was attracted to being above partisanship. To be honest, the only reason I ever found myself here was because I had some weed in my possession but no piece, and thus I needed to construct one (I don't buy it often, and indeed it's been awhile right now. To anticipate a reply, if anyone is going to say what should you expect from a weed forum, I've been a member of many political forums, and they're all exactly the same--substance abuse of any kind is irrelevant to the quality of discussion in an open forum). I came here as a result of a google search and successfully built a very successful piece based on instructions I found here.

I saw a politics forum and wracked up my first reputation points from Abandonconflict, Unclebuck, and Chesusrice. I was arguing against Dr Kynes and totally destroying him. They loved it. They ate it up. They were my lovers here for awhile. Nodrama and Harrekin were my fiercest critics back then. These days the opposite seems true. All those people who used to cheer me on now call me an idiot; all those who called me an idiot back then now find themselves agreeing with a lot of the things I say.

I take great pride in that. In this forum, for almost every consequential member, I have been an enemy and a friend. Unfortunately, in almost every case, the focus has been on "enemy" and not on "friend." My sole goal here has been to further fact over ideology, experience over cold argument. That's all I ever wanted. Almost every well-known member here contributed to my reputation points in the old software, and I took great pride in that.
I achieved what I wanted to achieve, which was to be non-partisan, to cross the boundary between left and right in order to find some center.

If you don't believe me about my life experience that's fine. I'm young, that's true, but well-educated and well-experienced. I have a doctorate and I've had an office on Capitol Hill. I've worked on federal legislation and I have edited federal publications. You don't have to believe me. It really doesn't matter, I'd rather stand on my strong words than on accomplishments I'm unwilling to disclose. But I did it, and that's more than most here can say.

If I am now so despised and my perspective so irrelevant here I guess there's no point in continuing. I came here to blow off the steam I feel in my real life, where I am prohibited from freely expressing myself because of professional demands. If I've overstayed my welcome, if I've perturbed you so much, then I can leave. There's no point in contributing here if I've just become an irrelevant laughingstock.

But please know that all I have ever done here is relay my real life experiences and my knowledge, hoping that they would benefit you, given that they have certainly benefited me; hoping that you might question whatever it is you believe given some challenge, And if not, so be it. Then I have failed. I apologize for that failure.

If you wanted me to wash my hands, I wash them. I can disturb you no more, which should be easy given that my appearances here have been intermittent, corresponding to the demands of my real life. All I ask in return is that you question those you agree with, that you critically evaluate whatever sources they cite, that you seek truth over victory, whatever that might mean.

And if I have been a burden to you, I will be a burden no more. If my perspective is meaningless and fictionalized then I will not pollute your world any longer with what you believe to be fictional perspective.
Well if this is the real Tokeprep speaking. It's nice to meet you.
so if you're not mentioning race, then who are these "remedial" types that you oppose to helping in this affirmative action thread?
If you can't pass the SATs you don't belong in a higher educational setting. At least not until you've taken remedial courses and are ready for a full course load.
so you guys don;t think that the de facto segregation we still face, a remnant of actual segregation and institutional racism, has vanished already? because the demographic maps say it hasn't.

blue dots are black people, red dots are white people.



it pretty much looks the same in every major city. our history didn't vanish overnight, historically disadvantaged areas still face the same problems they have faced for decades and centuries.
Doesn't change how much is spent per student does it?
And what is the student to teacher ratio? Detroit has a hard time keeping teachers around, I used to date a Spanish teacher who taught near midtown and she left shortly after her car got broken into in the school parking lot. Sad week for me...

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Rollitup mobile app
Detroit ratio is 16.9
Clarkston is 16

Can't blame her for leaving.
Even tests like the LSAT, which are given to college graduates have the same discrepancy.

Any cognitive function test out there, the mean for African Americans comes in at just over one standard deviation lower than the average for white people.

One in six African Americans score over the mean for whites in damn near every test they give.

There is enough data on this to be conclusive.

Go refute it, you'd be the first.

Or you can stick your head in the sand, scream no to the top of your lungs, and call me names and UncleBuck, travisw "the token" and pinworm will like your post.
Bring up Dr. Ben Carson and see what he says.
I realize most of the members here will never do anything of consequence. I think that's part of why I joined this forum--I was attracted to being above partisanship. To be honest, the only reason I ever found myself here was because I had some weed in my possession but no piece, and thus I needed to construct one (I don't buy it often, and indeed it's been awhile right now. To anticipate a reply, if anyone is going to say what should you expect from a weed forum, I've been a member of many political forums, and they're all exactly the same--substance abuse of any kind is irrelevant to the quality of discussion in an open forum). I came here as a result of a google search and successfully built a very successful piece based on instructions I found here.

I saw a politics forum and wracked up my first reputation points from Abandonconflict, Unclebuck, and Chesusrice. I was arguing against Dr Kynes and totally destroying him. They loved it. They ate it up. They were my lovers here for awhile. Nodrama and Harrekin were my fiercest critics back then. These days the opposite seems true. All those people who used to cheer me on now call me an idiot; all those who called me an idiot back then now find themselves agreeing with a lot of the things I say.

I take great pride in that. In this forum, for almost every consequential member, I have been an enemy and a friend. Unfortunately, in almost every case, the focus has been on "enemy" and not on "friend." My sole goal here has been to further fact over ideology, experience over cold argument. That's all I ever wanted. Almost every well-known member here contributed to my reputation points in the old software, and I took great pride in that.
I achieved what I wanted to achieve, which was to be non-partisan, to cross the boundary between left and right in order to find some center.

If you don't believe me about my life experience that's fine. I'm young, that's true, but well-educated and well-experienced. I have a doctorate and I've had an office on Capitol Hill. I've worked on federal legislation and I have edited federal publications. You don't have to believe me. It really doesn't matter, I'd rather stand on my strong words than on accomplishments I'm unwilling to disclose. But I did it, and that's more than most here can say.

If I am now so despised and my perspective so irrelevant here I guess there's no point in continuing. I came here to blow off the steam I feel in my real life, where I am prohibited from freely expressing myself because of professional demands. If I've overstayed my welcome, if I've perturbed you so much, then I can leave. There's no point in contributing here if I've just become an irrelevant laughingstock.

But please know that all I have ever done here is relay my real life experiences and my knowledge, hoping that they would benefit you, given that they have certainly benefited me; hoping that you might question whatever it is you believe given some challenge, And if not, so be it. Then I have failed. I apologize for that failure.

If you wanted me to wash my hands, I wash them. I can disturb you no more, which should be easy given that my appearances here have been intermittent, corresponding to the demands of my real life. All I ask in return is that you question those you agree with, that you critically evaluate whatever sources they cite, that you seek truth over victory, whatever that might mean.

And if I have been a burden to you, I will be a burden no more. If my perspective is meaningless and fictionalized then I will not pollute your world any longer with what you believe to be fictional perspective.

suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255
studies of aculturation indicate that some cultures stick with people for generations. this includes bias, eating habits, custom and marriage preference. I am of Italian descent, in general, Italians retain at least some italian-ness into the fourth generation. I am third, I see qualities in my daughter. It is possible that cultures altered through repression could continue for generations after the repression is ended.
I don't agree with that at all, studies show that children can adapt to an altered situation extremely quickly and with little disruption.

I'd argue that you pass these traits onto your children, unless they are genetic which is entirely different.
so you guys don;t think that the de facto segregation we still face, a remnant of actual segregation and institutional racism, has vanished already? because the demographic maps say it hasn't.

blue dots are black people, red dots are white people.



it pretty much looks the same in every major city. our history didn't vanish overnight, historically disadvantaged areas still face the same problems they have faced for decades and centuries.
And yet, some "blues" are dotted around "red" areas.

If they can do it, why can't the rest?