

Staff member
I'm just being jumpy. I'll lay low till I go to Canada in a week. Sorry for being so panicky, I should've taken deep breaths and remembered that I was leaving the country soon.
Is this font big enough?
why cant you just use the regular font set in ?!


bud bootlegger
It wasn't that bad for me, didn't even notice it until someone pointed it out lol. Only time a smartphone has came in handy better than a computer.
lol, well i'm half blind to begin with anymore.. really need to get me some glasses, but that would take my admitting that i'm getting older, something i've been putting off for as long as i can..


Yeah sorry about this shit, I'm just like tweak from southpark. I've been running purely on coffee skunk and KFC for the last week.


Staff member
Yeah sorry about this shit, I'm just like tweak from southpark. I've been running purely on coffee skunk and KFC for the last week.
see this font size im typing in? the one that the whole forum runs with standard on?...its great use it.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if I'm just being paranoid, but I think I'm under surveillance. About three months ago I started noticing cars parked across the street with people inside hanging further down my street. I noticed but I didnt really pay attention until a week after when I called the cops on them. The cops didn't even show up. I still wasn't sure if I wasn't just tripping. Then about a week later a "jogger" comes into our house and says he needs to use the bathroom. He tried to go to my bathroom, but I told him we were renovating the upstairs "suite", and he looked kind of frustrated but went in the near bathroom. Just some wired shit, people I haven't spoken to in the longest time are reaching out to me, and I had someone close to me acting weird asking questions that you just don't ask. More recently the cars moved further away from the house and I notice the same 8 or 9 cars every once in a while when I drive (even though I don't drive regularly and they are always in really distant towns from the last spot I saw them). This is just a short list, but I keep seeing a red pick up with a white stripe on the side, A minivan (I put a sticker in the window to make sure I wasn't just paranoid and did manage to mark most of the vehicles in one way or another.) and a camry. Should I just smoke something more mellow or might I actually have a problem.
so did you let him into your house??? Or did he just let himself in? I dont know about you but I keep all my doors locked even if my familys home. Its a habit. And I wouldnt awnser the door for joggers. Shit even if people I know show up unexpectedly I dont awnser the door. I have a phone for a reason!


so did you let him into your house??? Or did he just let himself in? I dont know about you but I keep all my doors locked even if my familys home. Its a habit. And I wouldnt awnser the door for joggers. Shit even if people I know show up unexpectedly I dont awnser the door. I have a phone for a reason!
He came around the back and looked like he was gonna open the fence. I made sure he didn't go anywhere with anything incriminating.


New Member
Should of straight up asked him if he was a cop, they legally have to tell you...although they never do on stings for some reason.


Well-Known Member
Should of straight up asked him if he was a cop, they legally have to tell you...although they never do on stings for some reason.
Um no, they don't legally have to tell you. They can lie their asses off how ever they want.



New Member
Um no, they don't legally have to tell you. They can lie their asses off how ever they want.


Ah, always seen on like tv shows and movies. Had a look up and it's said basically if they're doing an investigation, then they may lie to collect evidence.


Well-Known Member
I would be pissed if some stranger asked to use my bathroom...I would tell dude to get the fuck off my property..I would take my socks off and take a dump in the weeds before asking a stranger to use the bathroom.


Well-Known Member
Imo that would be a great target for a signature campaign. Let your legislators know that y'all want cops to be legally bound to say they are, when asked! cn

Never happen...I expect cops to have to be smart enough to not talk to snitches and paid informants should have to sign something and have it be public record...They are the true snakes in the grass.


Well-Known Member
Is this for real? Who lets a strange "jogger" use their bathroom? Especially when they think they are under surviellance?

Next time, before you leave, stick a banana in their tailpipe.


Well-Known Member
Maybe I should give them some stuff from my garden. Some cucumbers and peppers in a salad?? That's pretty smart actually, they might relax a little if they think I'm onto them. I think it's just a recently disgraced agency trying to catch the apprentice of someone they've been after for years and in this case the weed is really merely an after thought, it's just four plants.
Man, if you really want to find out if it is somebody watching you, just get a nice big note tablet and a pen, and being very obvious about what you are doing, go to the cars one by one, (especially if there is somebody sitting in it!) and write down a description of the car, VIN number, and plate number.
The next day, or regular expected day you usually see it or them, if it's not there, then either it is just your imagination, or now somebody knows their surveillance techniques need honing.