
My plant is currently not drinking water for the 2nd day running, initially i suspected root rot problems as roots were slightly brown and little brittle. I changed out the reservoir and refilled with ph 5.8 adjusted water.

Here is my grow:
DWC: Amnesia Haze
Stage: 4th week into flowering by now small buds everywehre
PPM:1300 (Now its 0 i just changed the res)
PH: 5.7-5.8

I have 2 airstones bubbler going strong and and i have lowered the water to about 1-2 inches below the netpot as adviced by our forum experts. Initially i thought roots were going towards root rot as i saw browning, but realized that the lighting wasnt good and much of the browning were shadows. I took the plant out into the open to take a clear picture with good lighting and it was pretty ok not too brown in fact. but roots are still pretty brittle with fine hairs falling off easily if i run my hands through it. Definitely not the healthy strong white root hair type of roots now.

Could it be a nutrients lock out? what should i do in this case?

Please advice!! this was meant to be my wedding plant, the buds were gna flower just right for harvest then. Any help is appreciated!!

IMG_3173.JPG IMG_3174.JPG IMG_3170.JPG IMG_3165.JPG IMG_3167.JPG


Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
There is a bit of a green tinge to those roots...

I'd say your light source is likely an issue. Those plants look like they are seriously stretching, not getting enough usable light. You will need more light for better plants.

PPM 1300... what ratio were the nutrients at?

Bud Tipps

Well-Known Member
The nutrient issue could be too much nitrogen and not enough potassium looking at those leaves.

There are some that are clawing and others that are turning yellow and dead brown.

I'm not sure why it's droopy if you have 2 air stones running though.


Well-Known Member
agree with bud tipps, roots is okay don't worry about them, just don't handle the roots like you do, don't touch them or let them get lot of light. no root rot as of yet.

I rate the lighting is to poor.

was this pic taken just before the lights went off?


Well-Known Member
What are you feeding them? What are your conditions (temp/Humid) and what lighting are you using?

Avoid man handling your roots, haha. I would add some cannazyme to break down any old and dead root tissue that's in your res.

Are your sure your air pumps are running 24/7?


Well-Known Member
No one thinks they look bound as hell!? +1 on the stretching. If you're using an electronic ph tester, double check the calibration- those things can be way off.


Well-Known Member
I don't know for sure, but the foliage is wilting and the roots are compacted and growing in circular patterns. You generally don't encounter it in DWC, but it looks like the reservoir is fairly shallow, so its possible they've run out of room.


Yeah it feels like they are clumped together.. but i dont know theres still lots of space in the reservoir man, what should i do now? im worried...


Well-Known Member
Don't worry too much! They're just plants hah. See what others have to say. I'm no expert, but I've been growing for about 4 years, with 12 or so different strains and I've not had roots like that with DWC before.


Well-Known Member
My roots look exactly like yours but the plant is very healthy and some days it drinks other days it doesn't.

and I have to force the lid shut on my pots because the roots are over crowded. I don't think your problem has anything to do with roots.20140723_213412.jpg


Well-Known Member
Happy to be proven wrong ^^ process of elimination.. I feel a solution coming soon!

Looks like the tinsel my dog sh*ts out during the holidays :)


Well-Known Member
I still don't have a clue whats the issue, if I look at your picture and my plants your leaves looks alot like the lower leaves the ones that never get light on my bigger plants. That is why I rate its a lighting issue.

Hope someone can come shed some light soon.

Good luck man