i transplanted the three gal pot and used soil from the bottom of the barrel. it hot. No biochar in these either. Oh well, it;s just chicken manure so i hope it can turn itself around. but the rest of them look happy in the chicken manure/mushroom/fkg/biochar/sand/bokashi soil dirt stuffderpderp
back two in left and one front right are the transplants.
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I got a pint of some tropical cubensis mycellium. Also scored some dried caps for free so i made a sterile water solution and shook the caps around in the water until it was loaded with spores. There's no way this was 100% sterile since it came from a stoner's dry stash but heck its free so observing is the LEAST i can do

....... i only attempted to inoculate three of the jars using this syringe and i used a spore print of the tropical cubes on the other four jars. gay ass minifridge.
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my attempt at a shotgun fruiting chamber. humidifier is on 1:3 on

ff hours right now. im tuning to find a good temp and RH im just eyeballing. The fish pump air pump is on 24/7 for fresh air. any suggestions are welcome. Im aware i could turn this into a glow box and may do so eventually, thatd be neato
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