Well-Known Member
well all seeds that have germinated have cracked are in the dirt now all but 3 popped so I ended up with 12 unfortunately 3 got mushy for some reason? A lot of my seeds are old though so that could be a part of it so I have a total of nine in dirt right now, excluding the couple ''Mexican Kush" seeds I have, that I started soaking yesterday one cracked but no taproot yet. So so far 1 seedling hit the surface on the 20th and 3 more have hit surface today, and I can see the top of the seed on another so... so far 5/10. Four of them are Michigan medical marijuana, one has surfaced so far. the rest that are up right now are just from random bags over the last couple years. So this is a MichiMed/bagseed/possibly''Mex Kush" indoor-outdoor grow /breeding project. Anyone else ready for pictures?