Swallowing my pride: My sick plant pics

So totally forgot to post pics of my veg plants that aren't doing too well:

This is an OG that is in veg. Notice how pale it is? In empire builder, no food yet just CaMg and their top dressing(same with the sour below)


Close up of the plant


This is a close up of one of the sour diesels that's in veg. See how only one side of the leaf has the spotty chlorosis? This is one of the things that made me suspect TMV/CMV(@tikitoker)


Another shot of the SD


Notice anything wrong with this plant? I don't. This is an ISS. Has been problem free from the start...wish all of my strains were behaving this well

These are close ups of the deathstar clones. See the weird pattern on the leaves? These were transplanted into sunshine mix and have only been given calmag. Gave them a 1/4 strength of sensi grow today, it was their first feeding.

These are pics from a TMV diagnosis thread from another site:
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Pretty gosh darn similar right?

Also from another TMV diagnosis thread:
View attachment 2951949
This is almost identical to what some of my plants looked like, I had never seen anything like it before. They still have the weird pattern but have lost the single sided curl.

Also as promised, some pics of the buds of the sick plants:


@AimAim Here is the strain that is shows sign of N toxicity. The clawing isn't too bad but they are dark, aren't they?

The bubblegum

The sour

Please don't flame me for my picture taking skills(or lack thereof), I try my best.

Thanks guys:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Hey Aim! Good to see you!

[/QUOTE=Crispy Bacon;10021222]

Funny you mention the N toxicity, I was actually just going to ask about that! My deathstars took on a really dark green, almost blue color to the leaves. Also a slight hooking on some of the leaves so I figured that what was causing it. Will post pics here in a bit.

No big deal in your opinion though?
Well it's kinda a big deal to your plants/plant but they will get over it. I hate to use the F-word (flush) but I did it (flush)for the first time ever a couple times recently as I definitely over-nitrogen-ed a plant.

Live and learn. She's blowing right through it I believe. I'll have some better pics up Sunday but here's a quickie of the claw. This was a world-class white-knuckle death grip fucking claw for a couple days. But it's over!


Notice how the new growth is flat horizontal.

She's over it. I LOVE it when my girls get "over" it.

Hurt her? Probably somewhat. But we kissed and made up and I promised to be nicer if she would be nicer.

Peace - AIM
Well it's kinda a big deal to your plants/plant but they will get over it. I hate to use the F-word (flush) but I did it (flush)for the first time ever a couple times recently as I definitely over-nitrogen-ed a plant.

Live and learn. She's blowing right through it I believe. I'll have some better pics up Sunday but here's a quickie of the claw. This was a world-class white-knuckle death grip fucking claw for a couple days. But it's over!

View attachment 2951952

Notice how the new growth is flat horizontal.

She's over it. I LOVE it when my girls get "over" it.

Hurt her? Probably somewhat. But we kissed and made up and I promised to be nicer if she would be nicer.

Peace - AIM
Haha jeez bro! Well glad to hear shes over it!

If you dont mind me asking, why are you against flushing?

sativa indica pits

Active Member
i actually had a few leaves in my grow come up like that. I thought it was a reaction from the fert or tea? not sure, looks almost identical to your pics of the crinkle lookn tmv from another site. and a few leaves on a different strain have that blochy look also, I think its from getting dry durning christmas, i was gone for almost 3 days and when I got back they were beggin for water, I think it was bit of a cal issue due to underwatering. hope to hell its not that!! I wonder what the buds look like in tmv?

pics look awesome tho, nice!!


Active Member
Im still very skeptical of TMV. I was brought here from international trade. And and said by Cornell university to only exist in laboratories since the 70's. Not ruling out a virus. God I hope for your sake you didn't infect the whole operation. Only way to recover from viral is to start over and sterilize everything really heavily. My best suggestion if you think it is a virus, take tissue samples of every plant and send them in to your county extension or a reputable university for testing.


Well-Known Member
unfortunately the roots are not too healthy and we just flush it with clean h2o every 7-10 days
This is the issue, pathogen control is weak and now the roots are fucked. Use at least 35% grade(at 700:1) every 4 days .( 50% grade at 1000:1) .Read safety instructions carefully.

hey everyone i am having some problems with my plant and i really wanted some help with it, i am growing in a tent with aeroponics, i have 2 fics of the fan leaves i would like to share.

sorry if im not posting it in the right thread im new to this .
.photo 1.jpgphoto 2.jpg

sativa indica pits

Active Member
you can post a new thread and a lot more people will see it. besides that, how far into flower are you? It looks totally natural, different strains will drop there leaves after they sense the their life is coming to an end and all there energy goes into flower/seed production. looks fine too me if you are 4+ weeks into flower, some strains ne3ver loose a leaf
thanks man il keep up the lady then, i was kind of getting a little scared because i saw some of the leaves turning a little purple and i thought it might of been a nitrogen deficiency so i flushed everything cleaned it out and then gave it some new nutes and the purppleness died down but then this happened and i thought i was doomed ! yes it is 4 weeks in to flowering closer to 5 i will send a picture of my small set up so you can see the full thing

thanks a bunch !
Thanks SIP!

And thanks for the input TIki, appreciate you stopping by.

One of the og's bounced back. Ill post a pic in a little bit
This is the issue, pathogen control is weak and now the roots are fucked. Use at least 35% grade(at 700:1) every 4 days .( 50% grade at 1000:1) .Read safety instructions carefully.

Forgot to thank you for this suggestion man. Couldnt figure out what 700:1*10 is (using 3%) but used a little more than a capful.

This was yesterday.
Thanks SIP! And thanks big time for those links!

Yesterday i came across a dose if 1/2-1 cup depending on how severe the problem is. I thought this was high which is why i only used a capfull.

Does anyone have any experience adding such high concemtrations of h2o2 to their dwc?

Going to the garden now so hopefully ill see some kind of improvment!
20140107_121612.jpg If this isn't cmv then 20140107_121612.jpg What is it? I JUST started to notice this on the ISS that just went into flower. They all look really pale too. Thoughts anyone?

sativa indica pits

Active Member
you said you did look through joe fresh's pics? I have the same going on in a few leaves, Im going to up the calicum just a bit and see if that helps. So the plants that are affected are 100% healthy besides the blotchy pattern? Are they the same strain/clone or is it in a few different strains? It seems mine is in a few strains but not spreading to other strains. Im getting some supplies today and I will know if its the cal for me by next week.

My plants are 100% healthy otherwise, no yellow, no stunting, just a few selected leaves have the blotchy bull shit. im not sure what nutes or micro nute act's as an antagonistic for cal. Or if a certain fungus or bacteria is causing lock out of calcium. Ill have to look it up to see if the levels of some other nute or myco's/bacteria is causing the cal. to be unavailable?

hope its not cmv my friend!!


Active Member
Damn dude, I am stumped. I really don't think it's TMV and it's not consuming the whole plant, just a few leaves here and there. I can't place one single nutrient deficiency to the symptoms. I would take a tissue sample and mail it in for testing. That's the only real way of confirmation on the virus aspect of it.

Crazy notion. .. maybe a mutation , Either way it does closely resemble a mosaic . if it is then i really feel for ya man. Thats shity big time. If so, you got a lot of cleaning to do. Everything has got to go.