Well-Known Member
Not yet, I have his Crowbar X Nigerian Sunshine (Crowbar is a PR cross) and I might get to it sometime in the fall. Once I get to Colorado and going forward I will have more to show, first up from seeds will be some of his newer releases, starting first with Velvet Orca (Blue Orca X Velvet Rush) then The one/Panama X (Browndirt Warrior's) Paki/Chocolate Thai followed by Bliss X Red Thai, then from there I have no idea, got 18 of his cultivars to choose from and more coming. I'm bringing 3 newly rooted clones with me so I can make a quick run for personal smoke before I start a seed run, my keeper BOH cut, Skywalker OG cut and Sannie's Sugar Punch (some of the best smoke out there), BOH and Skywalker OG are from mother's started over a year ago and the SP is about 4 mo's old, so I can throw them in at straight 12/12 and I'll have enough to get me through the summer. God forbid I would be limited to dispensary bud!Have you grown any of the Punto Rojo crosses out yet? I was curious as to what they were like grown indoors.
