Swami Seeds

My blue orca hazes have the biggest leaves and the thickest stalks out of all my babies so far. Some stunted ones that are comin back have real nice smells. Definitely smelling the rubber eraser smell when I took cuts off my boh mom, super thick stalks on her as well. Three times the thickness of the sours for comparison!
What a woman. I’ve been really diggin bubble recently and that p150 looks wayy cleaner! Sittin here smokin. The yogi’s been sittin around for a while in the jar...keep forgetting i’m sitting here...keep thinking an hour went by and it’s only been 5 minutes. The stone’s like someone’s massaging my forehead. And the music sounds like it’s got that extra chime to it. Pingggggggg
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View attachment 4321335 One of the boh, smells like grandma’s house. All moth balls. Another pheno is ammonia.
You topped yours and I have not. I have two rootbound BOH in Solo cups and they don't look much like that. I just went out and gave them a rub but not much of a mothball or ammonia aroma. The ones I have now that are acrid like that are the 6 Dominion Granny Skunks. Those have acrid menthol tobacco aroma
You topped yours and I have not. I have two rootbound BOH in Solo cups and they don't look much like that. I just went out and gave them a rub but not much of a mothball or ammonia aroma. The ones I have now that are acrid like that are the 6 Dominion Granny Skunks. Those have acrid menthol tobacco aroma
I wanted to grab some packs of that granny forsure, looks like some good stuff. I found a male boh that is just monstrous. Way bigger than anything else.
For me they are past ready. I do not wait on amber resin for the most part. I take samples and quick dry to determine for sure what I like.
Gonna round up the blue orca hazes tmrw for some pics, found a couple possible fems and at least one male so far...there’s one fem that literally feels like someone sprayed the stems with oil...slippery, oily stems with the smell that’s right there with it. I’ve never felt a stem that was this oily......no og’s, gg4, nothing this oily. This is some other shit right here.
Gonna round up the blue orca hazes tmrw for some pics, found a couple possible fems and at least one male so far...there’s one fem that literally feels like someone sprayed the stems with oil...slippery, oily stems with the smell that’s right there with it. I’ve never felt a stem that was this oily......no og’s, gg4, nothing this oily. This is some other shit right here.
I popped 6 BOH and only two made it. I'd be interested in what your keepers look like. Mine are about a foot tall now
I topped em but Here they are-the prettiest one isn’t sexed yet so hopefully she’s a lady! The 2 on the left are fem, the one farthest left is the oily one. Her smell’s oily-actually a little like chlorine oil rag. Very dank. The midldle smells really strong, like probably gonna stone you to the bone smell. Rubbery after smell, like eraser. Got something else in there I can’t pick out. I keep getting vanilla scents from the right one-not a lot of smell right now. Sun’s goin down, I’ll have to take better pics98A61452-E251-45D6-98B3-1C585C27319B.jpeg soon.
ya still hoping this is cherry bomb. I sent a pic to Gas he said likely but not definitely.

On day 43 for this plant, pistils are just beginning to show any sign of turning. Pretty sure that i caused a stunting and twisting with an overdose of UVB. Not sure though because there was zero effect on pistils except maybe a slowdown.
day 66. About 10 days left.

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