Swami Seeds

NL#5 x Haze F5 I believe is the one that is supposed to come with a warning label.:bigjoint:

Seems it's a bit too much even for the hardiest of tokers.

I haven't tried, but hope to soon. :joint:

Be interested in hearing what others think...
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NL#5 x Haze F5 I believe is the one that is supposed to come with a warning label.:bigjoint:

Seems it's a bit too much even for the hardiest of tokers.

I haven't tried, but hope to soon. :joint:

Be interested in hearing what others think...
Which strain available has the most trippy effects even for the veteran smoker

I am going to have to agree with Infinite. I have been blessed in that I have had genuine NL#5 x Haze and I almost don't even know if I like it. I've had good experiences and then I've also found myself navigating Chapel Perilous. I even remember an episode on the couch with my head between my knee's wishing it would subside. LMFAO!!!

I asked Gas what would be the most 'psychedelic' and he rattled off Bliss and Yogi. Said he'd also throw in something special... which by the way I must give some well-deserved kudos to GasCan for answering all of my questions with expertise and tact. He is very well worded, descriptive, humorous, and just a pleasure to place an order and work with all the way around. Thanks bud! I am sooooo stoked to be working with these beans this year. Looking forward!
I have no great sense of smell or taste. That said, this is one sweet and terpine heavy strain.
I have grown a number of Blue Orca Haze phenos and none are real terpene monsters, pretty ordinary actually but they all work very well. I am still looking for my keeper pheno.
Tricky question - Firstly- Im referring ONLY to Swami Organic Seed co’s genuine article, real McCoy Nl5 X Neville’s Haze. I believe its currently F5 from their 91’ line.
So... its important to understand that Gas & co, use a breeding practice called “open field pollination”, instead of the usual “Best looking male X best looking female” style of breeding. While the latter can be a good to produce homogeny & uniformity, the open field pollination style is better for keeping ALL of a strain’s characteristics in tact in future generations. EXACTLY what the serious grower & aspiring breeder wants :) Now while this keeps the next level, legendary effects in tact in the line, it’s important to realize that it can take some pheno hunting to get what youre after. Just be sure that u take one or 2 clones off of EVERYTHING u send into flower. When your harvest is in, dried & cured, u can decide on which are keepers that u want & toss the clones from phenos that didnt make it to “keeper” status.
This is a looong way of saying that there is a very wide range of flowering times in the Swami Nl Haze line. I see this as a great thing. You want a shorter flowering, more indica leaning girl? Its in there, just select for it. You prefer the powerfully intense, sativa dominant, classic NL5 X Haze rushy, racing high? Its in there :) So far, of the girls we’ve run, we have had 100% germination, one mutant & a ~2/3 female to male ratio. ~10% of females were obvious indica dominant phenos, both of them ripened in under 9weeks. But tbh, while good, the small bushy, quick flowering pheno is my least fav pheno so far. ~1/4females are looking like straight sativas. Most of the rest are sativa dominant, but with various obvious Indica influences. All the straight sativas are going 12 weeks+ & are still growing. Harvested 2 more of the “hybrid” pheno ladies this morning... Speaking of which, I want to recommend a certain pheno that we were lucky enough to find... its a sativa dominant pheno, thin sativa leaves, but without the height that her more sativa sisters have. Smell is very unique, & Im excited about the effect... she’s special. Now, the only sample Ive smoked of it so far, is a quick dried bud I clipped at the beginning of her harvest window over a week ago. The smell/taste is an extremely strong, bitter skunk, very difficult to describe... Reminds me of bitter Mediterranean herbs w/oil & vinegar... an acrid, pungent, skunk scent is layered beneath the initial nose scrunching bitterness, with definite spicey, sweet incense & woody notes blended in. But the awesomely unique and strong smell/taste is just the gravy on top :) Our excitement comes from how F’ing strong this gal is... I love when you take that first hit & instantly KNOW you have something special. Well, that’s definitely the case here :D Had 4 other ppl try it, and got 2 ppl saying it was among the strongest theyd smoked. I cant wait to sample the fully ripened, properly cured version! To those not used to growing the oldies, be careful... even plants that dont LOOK or SMELL like they are anything but “meh” quality, can be deceptively intense, effect-wise. So dont freak out if you arent running double rails of frost down every sugar leaf... her magic is in her effect. Definitely have some frosty phenos in there. But just be patient... Ive noticed these ladies like to frost up late, and seemingly all at once. This is connoisseur grade smoke... not for the grower trying for quick finishing “show bud”, that has great bag appeal, tons of resin, but average effect. Seems like the markets flooded with “show bud” pot :/ No, Swami’s NL Haze is for the grower who wants the best, who doesnt mind putting in a little work to tease out some next level, hippy head stash gear :)
Imma take a pic of my nl5 today and you tell me if you think she' ready she' past 70 days already....
Blowing up the bud as best as I could, and looking at the color of the trichomes. All of them are still most cloudy -clear. Id say10 days - 2 weeks anyway.
My buddy just chopped 1 at 14 weeks, and could have gone longer. Got 12oz off of it. I havent sampled it yet. It was slow to finish.
If you can you also may cut the light back 1 more hour. 11/13. Iv e found this works for hardcore sativas. Especially towards the end.
Blowing up the bud as best as I could, and looking at the color of the trichomes. All of them are still most cloudy -clear. Id say10 days - 2 weeks anyway.
My buddy just chopped 1 at 14 weeks, and could have gone longer. Got 12oz off of it. I havent sampled it yet. It was slow to finish.
If you can you also may cut the light back 1 more hour. 11/13. Iv e found this works for hardcore sativas. Especially towards the end.

Thanks I'm trying to hunt down the acid pheno
Blowing up the bud as best as I could, and looking at the color of the trichomes. All of them are still most cloudy -clear. Id say10 days - 2 weeks anyway.
My buddy just chopped 1 at 14 weeks, and could have gone longer. Got 12oz off of it. I havent sampled it yet. It was slow to finish.
If you can you also may cut the light back 1 more hour. 11/13. Iv e found this works for hardcore sativas. Especially towards the end.
Is the 14 weeker the acid leaning pheno
Imma take a pic of my nl5 today and you tell me if you think she' ready she' past 70 days already....
I’ll give my best opinion... but I always go off trich development to determine harvest time (unless theres some problem & I need to just chop). You dont want a ton of clear trichs on this strain especially... Let her trichomes milk up nicely :)...
She looks a tad under-ripe, but its hard to tell... im just not really seeing any amber or much milk... maybe 1-2weeks? Its hard to say with these girls
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Is the 14 weeker the acid leaning pheno
Our 14 weeker was (IS ) predominantly skunky, but with woody, hazey notes & a bitter, BITTER, fumey, astringency to it... was 1 of only 2 that had strong, loud smell. Super racey, with a semi-psychedelic, color-brightening effect that I love. But a few others went PAST 14 weeks, and just spun their tires & stayed in “stasis”. Ended up just chopping & runnin’ em all to hash :p
WIN_20180204_21_40_05_Pro.jpg Update on Blue Orca Haze from Clone.

Buddy harvested some BOH a couple months ago, and it went around 63 days. It was really good stuff, but way early, but he took it early so it would have a better chance to reveg. HAd a slight Bubblegum flavor.

Got 3/4 lbs of it 8 days ago, and even though its still early at 70+ days, the taste is much much better. Really nice terpenes, with a very notable Bubblegum flavor, mixed in with a peppery flavor,, floral hash. Very complex termenes.

Theres no doubt that the longer you let this stuff go, the stronger It gets, and the better it tastes.

The buds after drying, and a 9 day cure are ROCK HARD RESIN FACTORIES. My cheap little web cam does them no justice at all. Huge clusters form the buds. And are really rock hard.

Buddy got at least 1lb from 1 plant in a 20 gallon container/Promix..And this plant could have gone at least 10-14 more days. Not 1 amber trich in site. It just went longer than the seed mother.

But Hot Damn, we have found a keeper out of this, and only looked at 5 females.

Buddy #2 has 15- 20 more females at 6-7 weeks veg getting ready to be turned back.

I also got some fro him today. His 1st pheno also wean around 63 days for the same reason.

This pheno is a lot more leafy, more Visible/Larger trichomes, and more indica in the high. It also still need to cure out some, because like I said. This stuff really needs a bit of a cure, and needs to be let go aslong as possible for the terpenes, or you will be disappointed. Youll think its strong, but lacking in flavor. But if you let this stuff go 73-85 days, youll get an idea about seeing what the terpene flavors are. From the phenos Ive seen, the terpenes don't start to get good flavor until at least 73 days.

The leafy pheno has a more dark red wine type taste with floral bouquet. The other pheno is more of a sativa high. Both are long lasting.

Bubblegum pheno is so far the keeper.

Bubblegum is 1st, and last photos.

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