I haven’t posted the email where you admit to growing out the M/G X Tribal cross I gifted you, and bxd it; how the fuk is that copycat?? Did you cross those 2 lines? Was that your idea too?
There’s that Swami Indica X Tribal African that madeit as a mom on your fall drop list as well... did you cross those 2 lines?
Matter of fact; where is your Tribal African on the fall drop list, other than stock I gifted you?
I’m not taking credit for your work; wtf
Why are you bxing my cross and taking credit for it?? And why are you so insecure about me selling beans? You can Bx and retail my cross, but say I’m a copycat and refuse me the right to resale??
Either way these crosses kick ass and they’ll be going out, even you liked em enough to Bx em!