Swat Team Information maybe required if

I hope it never happens but if you have to shoot someone. Get them in the snot locker, imagine a triangle from eyes to nose shoot there. it will blow out the brain stem and shut them down. shot placement is key.

I haven't heard that literally in DECADES!! Careful man, you're tellin' on yourself!!!!
I hope it never happens but if you have to shoot someone. Get them in the snot locker, imagine a triangle from eyes to nose shoot there. it will blow out the brain stem and shut them down. shot placement is key.
23 years military training, double tap center mass. Target still standing, single shot to the brain bucket aka snot locker :)
With a shot gun...there is a reason you have shells attached to the butt stock. You are supposed to empty the damn thing and reload it.
All im saying is if people want to come in my home guns blazing shooting dogs and kids over a suspicion,Ill be more than happy to give them a ticket to hell. Its better to knock or ring a door bell than get your face blown off. I don't care for violence but im not one to be tested either.
All im saying is if people want to come in my home guns blazing shooting dogs and kids over a suspicion,Ill be more than happy to give them a ticket to hell. Its better to knock or ring a door bell than get your face blown off. I don't care for violence but im not one to be tested either.
Plus rep and like to that post. I am the most harmless but possibly the most dangerous person I believe. I have my toys and knowledge on how to use them...But I am a leave me alone I leave you alone type of person. I will stop and change your tire, I'll give you a ride if you need it, I'll buy you lunch if your hungry...but when it comes to me and me family, leave me the hell alone, I will leave you the hell alone, and we will be damn fine neighbors.

For using SWAT for non-violent offenses served no purpose other than giving the team members their adrenalin rush they are so addicted to.
I have seen armed FCC agents raid pirate radio stations. WTF do you need guns to raid a hippy or teenager with a illegal transmitter?
I have seen armed IRS agents raid a corporation. When the hell did book keepers need to carry guns? Just take the damn files. Scared to get shot with a paper stapler?

What ever happened to, "knock knock knock, open door, Mr. Smith I am Agent Cocksucker and we need to talk right now..."
No need for a shoot out, just a calm interview...Maybe not so calm for Mr. Smith if he is fucked, but still no need for all the variables that go into a armed conflict.