Swazi Pure Sativa Indoor Low wattage Cfl grow with desklamps .


Active Member
Ja that's what a meant, I will just put the box over them at night, I was just too lazy to type it out haha I want to put it under a table, but they are too big so it won't work, but I will get a BIG box if I can, will soma go check now if I can find one anywhere!


Active Member
Just a little update - day 92 from seed - topped once and put into flower at week 6 .
The smaller ones one is female with hairs and the nice looking very healthy one I think is gunna be a male , I`ll put it by a windowsil in another room if so then i can collect some of it`s pollen and make a nice cross because it looks predominantly indica . Any guess`s on what strain it may be will be appreciated looks kind of like a top 44 . :)
Bud shots are of two main top cola`s and of the smaller tiny plant that the t-8 fell on and broke in half now it`s flowering .
It only realy started flowering week 7-8 so has been flowering for 4-5 weeks so think i can still let those buds get a little more fat .
AWE , yeh dude is the cheapest solution i can think of thats free that or just putting them in a closet or something . But they need 12 complete darkness away from any lightsource . Remember to cut out any males from that swaz crop if even one pollen sacks opens could ruin the whole crop first time i grew a tri-pod male fertilezed my whole crop and it came out shitty :) .


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Just a little update - day 92 from seed - topped once and put into flower at week 6 .
The smaller ones one is female with hairs and the nice looking very healthy one I think is gunna be a male , I`ll put it by a windowsil in another room if so then i can collect some of it`s pollen and make a nice cross because it looks predominantly indica . Any guess`s on what strain it may be will be appreciated looks kind of like a top 44 . :)
Bud shots are of two main top cola`s and of the smaller tiny plant that the t-8 fell on and broke in half now it`s flowering .
It only realy started flowering week 7-8 so has been flowering for 4-5 weeks so think i can still let those buds get a little more fat .
AWE , yeh dude is the cheapest solution i can think of thats free that or just putting them in a closet or something . But they need 12 complete darkness away from any lightsource . Remember to cut out any males from that swaz crop if even one pollen sacks opens could ruin the whole crop first time i grew a tri-pod male fertilezed my whole crop and it came out shitty :) .


Active Member
Man nice job! Don't think its a male, be positive! I did that, but looks like my one is a male..haha I check out the swazi now and I think I might take a clipping and try cloning it into the cab in 12/12..its got about 5-6 nodes so it should work right? But I'm liking your plants, specially the full flowering one, those hairs look awesome, don't know when it comes but I can't wait haha even though your plants had it rough in the beginning you took good care of them and now they are looking good, nice grow!

Ja I will pull the males if there are any, but the roots might rot then, but I can't help that haha


Active Member
Haha poor plant i didn`t read the lst manuals properly so just ended up tieing her down instead of just gently around the stem . Didn`t have ventilation until week 6 and this plants leaves been dropping since then think it`s lack of co2 or something . Was just gunna grow seedlings and do outdoors but decided to just try flower indoor . The hairs are white with a sort of purple tinge like DP that turns red and orange as it grows my fan is causing alot of hairs to discolour but think. Plant looks like its coming to the end of it`s life i give it 2-3 weeks top :) .


Active Member
Hahaha shame! Ja dude 2-3 weeks that's nice! Aren't they changing colour because they are busy flowering and nearing the end of their flowering life? They are just turning amber or what? Nah not going to clone, not lus for all the trouble with that now, I want to grow and grow different plant strains. These seeds I have now are from the same strain as the bushy one! That "greenhouse". Its actually the same as my female aswell but she is growing completely different from the other one haha but that's my plan!

Are you going to continue growing indoors now? Seeing you are getting hps and so?


Active Member
Yeh and Swazi is a low yielder indoors read on sites 135 gram m2 not ideal much better too get new strains going under those lights . I have`nt grown outdoors for awhile now will be able to do both if i get a house ,live with gf and mom both smoke so it`s chilled . Gunna still be with this setup for another 4 months though until december so i`m still gunna do another desklamp run will just probably be adding an 85 watt cfl soon . Yeh definately going to upgrade to hps you can get one locally their for R830 then you could build a little mock table cabniet with a few little fans just would cost more electricity but not much , first d
o a few runs with your cfl`s and see if you enjoy it . To me their is nothing more awesome then growing pot :) . I`d like to see a pic of some of this greenhouse bud , yeh definately try get some different strains and save up some seeds from them I saved up alot of skunk seeds i`ll post some pics of the bud my new plants seeds are from soon :) .


Active Member
Ja no I will not grow the swazi then, 135g m2 is not a lot no..I would get like nothing in my cab haha ja see then you can grow and grow as you like! Not that easy for me to do tho, so that's why I have to grow stealth! I am not going to upgrade to a hps or hid light..I like cfl, not massive on electricity and it works well! I can't take a pic now, cleaned everything so when I get new bud I will take a photo! Oky cool ja want to see that? What bud will it be? Skunk or what?


Active Member
Yeh will be some sort of skunk variety . Yeh and it has a long flowering period with those one in your windowsill if you don`t establish a photoperiod for them they`ll get massive it`s getting closer to september and spring this is the start of the outdoor season so days are gunna get longer so they`ll just keep vegging . Just to add something i forgot yesterday .
Yeh you should try and get indica seeds but indica bagweed is quite hard to come by so probably will have to go with a hybrid like skunk or something until seeds can be ordered .


Active Member
Ja I know damn its shitty, still trying to find something I can cover them with! Can't find a box big enough, its nogals difficult! I have no idea what strains are indica and what are sativa strains..I obviously know the difference, I mean I don't lknow how to see if the bud is indica or sativa?? Haha


Active Member
Awe yeh once bro I thought it would be a rather hard mission to find a large box but you`ll eventually find one you could just build a little cab outta hardboard or something but it`ll cost you . Think that they could start budding naturally and then not be able to stop and finish early spring so if you can`t find those other ones just leave it . Also never know from the bud what i`m smoking but once you grow it you can ussually tell . Hopefully your indo has some skunk in it then you`ll get much better compact buds indoor than pure sativa or swazi .


Active Member
But if I just leave them, when will they start budding? Coz now they are going to continue flowering won't they? Or will the kick into flowering when spring starts? A friend has a massive box so I will pick that up in a day or 2, then I will start to put her under 12/12. I don't know how to tell if its a skunk by smoking it..how will I be able to tell? Would be cool, like the way the skunk buds look on pics, hopefully mine will look like that!


Active Member
Awe just some pics from bud that i`m growing my new strain looks more compact like that bud you took some shots of aswell ^^^^^^ . Awesome and just went to a local electric shop and got a 85 watt 6500 K spec Cfl was R166 or 20 dollars :) .
Just need some help setting it up dude or anyone what i need just a bigger socket and then just wire it up and use some electric tape and build a little Diy hood . ??? .
Tripped the power earlier landlord lady that looks like the owner of that trailer park boys was in my room because we couldn`t turn it back on , was a trip LOL . Everything all good now .


Well-Known Member
curious how this turns out, got a strong sativa streak in my current grow under cfl's
always curious how a sativa/cfl grow turns out


Active Member
Awe ja looks similar to my bud! Pretty good weed hey haha as for the bulb, is it tha standard bi-pin bulb? If it is or if its the standard size screw in buld you just basicly get the fitting, I usually ghet a porcelain fitting is it does not get hot, goes from R20-R30, then get a standard 220v-240v cable about R3-R7 p/m and then a normal plug, about R10. Brown is live, blue is nutral, don't worry about the green when connecting a light bulb as you wil propably not have an earth connection on your fitting


Active Member
It`s a screw in Edison one not the bayonet , so i just needa find a porcelain fitting that size then that is screw in tommorow and the rest seems standard very easy stuff thanks . Looks like the same typa bud or strain we will be growing . The light`s screw is a little larger than the one i was using so i need to find a bigger fitting will it work if i just wire it up the same way and it`s a 85watt ?


Active Member
Kay removed the t-8 because it was normal output and only about 2000 lumen replaced it with a 85 watt cfl just got it mounted in some hoodrat style for now will build a hood for it after the sativa plant is done and mount it on the top .
Now it`s 164 watts of cfl only in the cab with 108 watts 6500 k and 56 watts of red at about 10660 lumens in a 1.5 ft wide and 2ft high space .
Killed one male plant one looks hermie and one is female on streched 12/12 from seed plants now on a 10 on 14 off light cycle . :)
Whole 85 watt upgrade was 215 bucks , little less than 25 dollars . Impressed with the price of these things .
Just needa find some 2700 k of this wattage and will be sorted will add one of those when i come across them .
Also was able to get a porcelain socket for realy cheap too .


Active Member
Ja I can't find that damn 2700k eather, otherwise I would get 2 and when I flower I will replace my 2 65w cfl 6400k with 2700k! But you have a lot of light for your area so I think you don't have to worry, she'll turn out just fine! And that's one fkn big bulb haha I though my 65w was big but joh! Looks like you are almost done!