Sweating nugs?!

a quick dry method i know is to get 3 peices of paper towel put 2 dry ones in a medium sized bowl then wet the other peice sqweeze out the water so it aint dripping then put the buds in the bowl the put the damp towel over the bowl and leave a crack open then put in the microvae on power 40 percent for 1 minute, do this about 3-4 times mabey 2 it all depende on the amount your doing trim the buds good and remove all steams cut the bud up a little bit take them out after each mintue for 15 seconds and swoosh them around a bit i find this method works well and is handy, it sweats the buds then drys them. :clap::leaf: peace tyme to smoke a b:leaf:owlbongsmilie
Yeah, it's my understanding that, while not necessary, it benefits the bud to be cured for as long as you have it. Just crack open your jar for a few minutes everyday for as long as you have it. Cant hurt...
Once you finish the cure, and your storing them for the months/years you speak of you want to open the jars rarely. I will explain why... during the drying/cure process' removing the moisture converts the thc chemical from an acidic non-pychoactive form to its neutrally based, psychoactive form, thus why drying/curing process should take atleast a month together. Once this is completed oxygen has the opposite effect your looking for (why you want to open the jars rarely when storing...and store in a cool/dark place) by breaking down the gland heads(THC).