Sweet Dwarf//PC Grow Box


Hey guys just got a hand on some nice weed with the Christmas money, really enjoying the holidays. :bigjoint:

By the way got some new pics of my girl, check it out.


A very green happy new year. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for stopping by I really appreciate you taking the time. Yeah, the fan that sends the air in is a 14 cm and the one that takes it out is a 12, I think they work well considering the size of the box.

About the light, I will keep in mind that total of 100W you told me. ;-)

By the way does it make a big difference a fan to move the air inside?

Thanks and good luck with your grow too man. :)
Thanks buddy :) your girl is looking great.

About the fan to move air inside, I did remove my intake fan and put it inside and right now I went even further putting inside 1x12cm fan and 1x80 cm fan. Apart from that I've got the exhaust.

Somebody recommended me this and I ended up doing it because I've got a really big fungus issue and air circulation is key in this case. I do believe it's better with or without fungus but I haven't got any specific information about it. Will have to see how it goes in the following days as I did the last addition of the 12cm fan couple of days ago.

I guess you can leave it as you have it now and keep in mind that this could help, you can always change it in the future :)


Thanks buddy :) your girl is looking great.

About the fan to move air inside, I did remove my intake fan and put it inside and right now I went even further putting inside 1x12cm fan and 1x80 cm fan. Apart from that I've got the exhaust.

Somebody recommended me this and I ended up doing it because I've got a really big fungus issue and air circulation is key in this case. I do believe it's better with or without fungus but I haven't got any specific information about it. Will have to see how it goes in the following days as I did the last addition of the 12cm fan couple of days ago.

I guess you can leave it as you have it now and keep in mind that this could help, you can always change it in the future :)
Yeah if I can I'll put one in the future, thanks. ;)

By the way I did an upgrade on my lights, now I have two 23W blue bulbs with 1450 lumen and one 23W white bulb with 1570 lumen, here is the photo.


I think she might be happier now. :mrgreen:

Covert Ops

Well-Known Member

Hows the grow gowin man? Word of warning, sweet dwarf freekin reeks to high heaven. I had one in a similar grow, and u will hav to use some sort of odour control. Get on it asap man cos as soon as those bud sites start developing the whole room, even the area around the room stinks. Smells lovely bt yanno...not very covert =P

you may also want to look at swapping them fans round, having the larger outtake fan. But seriously start lookin into a DIY carbon filter.

Lookin a nice healthy lil girl tho ;-)