Sweet God(BC bud depot), Strawberry Cough, Critical Kush(barneys farm)


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I got the fiancé to p with the last half hour.. Collected all the sciccor hash and tried out a tiny bit.. Woww! Cleanest hash ever lol. It was a tiny hit but what a clean body buzz! If my bubble bag hash turns out this good I'll be extremely happy!
i have a small jar of critical kush that's been curing for two days now, I'll take a pic when I get up :)


Active Member
Hey I just noticed that some of my sweet god buds have a tiny bit of mold on them. I'm gonna cut those ones off and separate them. I want to use them for hash if I can.. Maybe those will have to be iso oil but at the moment I'm thinking I might just fuckin throw em out.. Stupid fuckin plants have been nothing but headaches for me. Never again will I grow this strain! You might have better luck so if you want the seeds lemme know, they aren't fem seeds though. I'm going to chop the rest of the critical kush down tonight and the strawberry cough in 36 hours. Whatever I can salvage from the sweet god I'll chop in a few days but whatever I can't is more than likely getting thrown out. I'm a bit pissed to be honest


Well-Known Member
That is fucking amazing buster, cant believe the crystals! I actually broke down and got some more WR yesterday lol. The yield was so good that I will try again and the smoke is pretty good actually also. They are getting the critical in next week so I'll sit in them till ready for the 5th tray to start lol that will be in about 6-7 weeks I fugure. Christ I have an assembly line going lol. Thats a bummer about the mold, I've lost some major money in the past due to the shit. I had it wipe out half a crop of blueberry plants one year and made oil out of it. Not sure if you want to make hash with mouldy pot though as the spores would be in it but oil is ok "I know" lol. Hows the hand?


Active Member
Thank you! I'll put up some better pics later, those were buds from the bottom of the lower branch lol. I actually got more than I thought from the critical kush! I think there will be about 5 ounces dry weight from her, maybe a little more! She really puts on some thick, dense and frosty nugs! The side branches even look like little colas because the get so damn thick lol. I had to stake about 4 or 5 of the branches because of the weight that I didn't expect to come in lol.
I am glad you like the WR enough to get more of it, especially since you have so much from the last batch lol. I was thinking when you said you pulled it earlier than you wanted that you could really get it to that couch lock, narcotic type of high you like.
I can't believe you have that many trays going! Lol. I'm quite envious that you can do that lol. I'm actually thinking that I need another tent.. A slightly smaller tent.. But seeing as how I don't have anymore room anywhere else for it I am going to have to put some plywood down on the top of my current tent and set that one up there lol. I wouldn't need much height but I would like to keep it the same length and width to keep things uniform and somewhat tidy looking, rather than some damn pyramid haha.
I was thinking the oil might be my best way, I'll still end up tossing it in the oven at 105 just to kill the spores as they die out at 100, than I'll soak the buds in the iso and hope for the best! :p
I guess this run I'll end up doing some oil instead of hash and get the bubble bags for my next run.
Losing half a crop of blueberry must have been hard to deal with! I'm upset abou losing a few branches of the sweet god lol!

My hand has come along way actually! Thanks for asking!
Each day it feels more like a hand then a claw and my strength seems to be coming back, even though I had a slight set back and thought I re broke the 5th knuckle again. I will be looking into doing surgery next Christmas when I have some time off because even though the bones have been set back into place it still looks broken. It's the third time so my bones are getting to be as thick as my shin lol.
I noticed lately that in extreme cold temperatures for anything longer than 30 minutes my hand still feels as though it freezes up and it's partially because I still try not to use the last few fingers to much, but it does feel a little different. I'm hoping on stem cell research to come in handy down the road or else I'm not going to get much use out of this hand lol.


Active Member
You HAVE to grow critical kush & strawberry cough! Honestly they are both insanely good, strong smokes! If you want a perfect narcotic high that just sits you down you will love the strawberry cough especially! It truly does smell like strawberries and it has a hint of it which is slightly less strong than the haze taste but its still not fully dry from the cure yet. I honest to god recommend you grow it out!
These are my two favourite smokes by a long shot!


Active Member
I did get 5 ounces from the one plant. I'm not 100% of the actual weight yet as they are still in jars to cure but there are quite a bit and if they lose about 70% ofthe water weight before they're fully dry than it should be about 5.25 ounces :)
this is my first run back in a few years so there's no need to worry; the critical kush is extremely easy to grow and really packs on the frost and weight in the last half of flowering. I know there are different phenotypes of the critical kush but I've never seen one that looks bad at all. You made a great choice to go with critical kush and will not be disappointed I'm sure.
If you are going to be using nutes then be sure to give about 3/4 of what it says to give, but start at about 50% strength till you dial in how much she can take. My strawberry cough and critical kush both took nutes well but never close to 100%, my sweet god absolutely hated nutes though and I regret going fully on my research of it because everyone said she was a heavy eater and mine certainly was not lol.

Thank you for stopping by in here! I'll post a more detailed smoke report later once it's fully cured so I can include a more accurate taste on it as well. For now all I can say about the smoke is that it is truly top notch and you will have a smile glued to your face as well as your body being frozen!
Let me know if you have questions about it and I'll be more than happy to help with whatever I can :)


Well-Known Member
Right on buster! And yes I will lol. 420 got them in yesterday so stopping in tomorrow. I just cut down the Mataro so will be putting the white in saturday. 30 days and the kush will be in the pots lol. I'll keep you posted :). And again really nice grow, I vote for the hash out of the shake lol. The mataro looks nice I'll post a pick tomorrow but probably less than 5 ounces total so not great but thier alive at least lol. :clap:


Active Member
Man I'm really excited for you to grow the critical kush. It's amazing smoke!
Let me know how you like the mataro! I keep changing my mind for strains to grow man, I am starting to stress myself out lol. I'm definitely going with some blue widow but for the other strain I keep changing my mind. Now I've got something called space listed but I wouldn't mind doing some cheese type as well. Ugh. Lol.
I definitely think the hash is the way to go as well, I'm thinking of using a good amount of the sweet god to use for hash. My buddy loved the smoke from it though and said it was actually incredibly strong.. I've also been wondering if I should do some of those in my next run as well and do them properly to see their full potential.. Either way I need to start deciding soon cause I want to throw a few in earlier than others so I don't have a billion hours of trimming to do all at once :p
I'm looking forward to seeing some pics of the mataro! I'll post a pic of the dried view of strawberry cough as well. I let one of the jars with like a q dry out fully in cure.. It's smooth smoke and a very nice sativa


Well-Known Member
I would hold off on the Mataro lol The girlfreind gives it a thumbs down lol. It hasnt cured yet so Ill let you know in a couple of weeks. It does look and taste nice though. I'll post a pic of it soon. My phones dead when I get home at night lol. I gotta get that hash machine found or build a new one as I'm getting a shit load of shake to run through it, but like you I may get some bags and try that. As far as strains Good luck with the choice lol. I hear the cheeses arnt that strong but WTF do I know just something I read I think (I read alot lol). You should give hydro a try as it will speed things up a bit due to no veg time to speak of. I vegged the tray I have with Pato and white domina (3 weeks old) for a week and there now 10" little bushes. Ive had to move the lights twice in a week, its incredible, its like a giant aerogarden on steroids lol. So how many are you going to do? It sounds like you need more room lol.


Active Member
I'll hold off on the mataro if you don't like it, thanks for the heads up :)
I'm thinking I'll be getting the bags in a week or so.
As far as the cheese strains go, my only knowledge of them is that some guy had the cops raid his place in the UK and his cheese plants were tested at something like 30% thc lol.. Ever since then I wanted to grow some as well :p

I have been considering hydro a lot lately actually. They hydro store I go to even has really small buckets that would be more than enough for one plant so I could still run soil and have a side by side.

For my next run I am thinking of doing 6 or 8, I'm just hoping the 400w will be sufficient for them even though its a small space?


Well-Known Member
Nice buster you must be very proud!!! The Mataro is kinda fucked up as 2 out of 5 are kick ass and the other 3 not so good! The plants that were the mutant looking ones turned out to be the best and they were the biggest with very little crystal formation but have a real couch lock stone. Didnt get much though. :cry: Oh well 5 weeks and I'll do er again lol that'll be the critical :mrgreen:. Hears a pick of one of the not so good Mataro buds photo (3).jpgLooks nice though!!


Well-Known Member
And the light should be ok! I still am using the 400 as the temps are so wierd and have not gotten cold enough. You could always add another CFL to supplement without adding to much heat. I am buying a ducted fixture next week to hook up the 600 and deal with the heat and the humidity it produces, but I cant see it adding much more yield. We'll see I guess lol. I found my hash machine yesterday :mrgreen: have to pull it out and see if it still functions, its been a while lol. Was the hydro set up a DWC, My trays take up approx. 3'x3.5' and they do 6 plants, I have a tray that does 10 but I think it would be a little crowded re: light penetration so havnt tried it yet. I spent a total of $100 for everything in a tray and only use a water fountain pump, I removed the air pumps as they weren't needed and I figured why bother!


Active Member
Thanks man! I'm very proud of these girls. I'm gonna keep a few grams aside for myself and cure them till about the end of my next run so I can compare smokes and see what I like better.
That mataro looks gorgeous and deadly! I am surprised kannabia has so many different phenos for their strains.. Hopefully they'll sort that out with some back crossing and have less phenos cause that could get annoying if some aren't half as good as others.. If they're all good than hell I don't mind that though lol.

You're right, if it comes down to it I could always toss in the 4 4" fluorescents which would definitely kick things up enough to give them what they need lol. I'll just have to make sure fans are always running and pulling in cool air. I also noticed that if I run my regular fan at half speed all the time my humidity doesn't go above 50 which is nice, it also doesn't go lower than 35 so I should be pretty safe with those numbers. What do you keep yours at?
my temps are also very stable now as well, hottest it gets is about 78 and lowest it goes is 68 with lights off and fan running.

I tried a small sample of the sweet god.. That stuff is potent! I started another few seeds because I know if I don't make mistakes again, this stuff will be a knockout! Let's cross out fingers that I get at least one female from the two seeds and no issues with her.. I surely won't even use half strength nutes on her this time lmfao.


Well-Known Member
I keep my shed between 68 and 75. The humidity does get up there if extraction doesnt kick in as it is temp controlled. It got up to low 70's at the end of the Mataro grow but no issues other than a bit of condensation on door. I put the White Russian in yesterday, this will be interesting now that I know a bit lol. I also bought a blue lab PH meter yesterday and holy shit my other meter is fucked!!! Its going back to factory tomorrow. it was reading 1.5 above actual PH level as well as ec being way out of wack. Thing cost like $200.00, its an Oakton. The Pato is doing nice as well as the white domina. I have been leaving pump on 24/7 and removed the airstones and plants seem happier lol.


Active Member
Would love to see some pics of how things are coming along! How is the mataro?
I've actually had a few occurances where I had some water around the tent because I turned the fan off all night and the humidity hit like 80 :s.
I am gonna get ready to go get the bubble bags this coming weekend and I've now 100% decided on my next strains to run.. It's going to be all critical kush lol. Stuff is to good to not do again and this time I have them dialed in so I know they'll come out even better :)