Sweet Tooth closet grow,2 400w HPS


Well-Known Member
While flushing I took a few pics of the Grape Krush seedlings.I believe four of which are all the same phenotype and one sativa dominant phenotype.The sativa dominant phenotype is smaller and more hungry than the rest.There is also a definite male that I left out of the pics,it is also the same phenotype as the other four,I haven't decided what to do with him yet.
Also,yesterday I started using cal-mag instead of epsom salt(on the sweet tooth).



Well-Known Member
Day 28 after switching the lights to 12/12(last night)
Now at 9ml of each base nutrient,3.8ml of bud XL,5.7ml of top booster and about 3ml of cal-mag per gallon of RO water.
The sweet tooth buds should start swelling up real soon,the orange kush is going to take a little more time for sure(it's still getting top booster now though).

Looking great man.. :eyesmoke: ..lovin' the colour man, the dark green and the purpleness.. :lol: looks great! :weed:

looking great bro, keep it up!
Thanks guys!
The purple is really supposed to come out in the grape krush during flowering,we''ll see soon enough.



Well-Known Member
OMG! thanks for the porn bro! you really know what your doing, and i like it. they all look uniformely beautiful!


Active Member
OMG! thanks for the porn bro! you really know what your doing, and i like it. they all look uniformely beautiful!
wow! they look soooooo good.everything i read on sweet tooth is nothing but good.im ordering some from goldenseed for my outdoor grow.should have really good results i hope.one ? where they feminized seeds


Well-Known Member
wow! they look soooooo good.everything i read on sweet tooth is nothing but good.im ordering some from goldenseed for my outdoor grow.should have really good results i hope.one ? where they feminized seeds
OMG! thanks for the porn bro! you really know what your doing, and i like it. they all look uniformely beautiful!
Thanks guys!
This is the feminized barney's farm sweet tooth.I was given one seed from a friend and in return I hook him up with cuttings.

BTW this new coco I'm using sucks,I believe it's Sunleaves coco.Check out the before and after tds of the water I flushed it with.I actually tested it again right after flushing with another 2 1/2 gallons and it was at 1280.WOW!



Well-Known Member
What an excellent strain u chose to grow !

The most amazing shit i have ever seen someone grow !!!! Nice yields, and a very nice smell that can stink a whole train and make girls sing songs about ganja.. and make you feel like your gona explode inside cuz the smell is just to strong to take anywhere. :D


Well-Known Member
Day 30 after 12/12
I noticed the spots on the leaf getting slightly worse,now I'm thinking it's actually a calcium deficiency(lockout).Either way,I flushed that plant tonight and will flush the rest throughout the week.I hate flushing:sad:
I also killed the definite male grape krush today.



Well-Known Member
coco's hit and miss! damn! i think i might have to stick with my sunshine mix 4!
Yeah,I will never put plants in any coco again without testing the runoff first.It's nothing that a good flush can't take care of,but like I said before I hate flushing.
While flushing the one plant that has lockout issues last night I checked the run off and it was around 1000 ppm.The run off from this brand new coco was 1250 ppm.1000 ppm is enough for me to have a lockout and this shit is at 1250 right out of the bag,ouch!:finger:
I plan on doing a test run with subcool's supersoil as soon as it warms up outdoors.I don't have room in my house to let it cook for a month.I love the sound of just having to water every few days.No adding nutrients to water then adjusting the PH and no flushing.
I about ran out of base nutrients and had to order more.When they arrived I immediately noticed that H&G has made some changes.The NPK of the old A base nutrient was 8-0-0 and B was 2-4-10.Now A is 3.9-0-3.3 and B is 1.5-3.4-6.1.Which is kind of annoying,because I still have a little bit of the old A but can't use it now.I'm sure I'll find something to do with it though.


Well-Known Member
Day 32 after 12/12
I just got done flushing the mother,the rest of them got flushed yesterday and wednesday.
Still at 9ml of base nutes,3ml of cal-mag,3.8ml of bud XL and 5.7ml of top booster.I plan to start using shooting powder on tuesday.
I checked on the cuttings tonight and a couple of the smaller ones are already showing a couple root tips,I threw them back under the dome to let them root better.The grape krush cutting looked horrible(looked like pythium wilt)so I tossed it.I didn't even think to take pics of it,I just wanted to get it away from the others.after seeing that I put the dome on crooked(is that even how you spell it?)and opened both ventilation holes all the way to lower humidity.
I took pics while flushing the mother plant,theres a before and after of the ppm. Only 11 gallons of RO water to get the ppm down in this 7 gallon pot(I also used flora kleen in 7 1/2 of the 11 gallons).
Just don't f%ck with that bootsy Sunleaves ;-)
Haha,you weren't joking when you told me that shit sucks,never again.



Well-Known Member
Looking good. Those buds are going to be pretty big. Another thing I like about the Sweet Tooth is the density of the buds. It's not as dense as the Trainwreck that I grew, but it's definitely denser than every other strain I ever grew. Pretty good for 50% sativa.


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Those buds are going to be pretty big. Another thing I like about the Sweet Tooth is the density of the buds. It's not as dense as the Trainwreck that I grew, but it's definitely denser than every other strain I ever grew. Pretty good for 50% sativa.
Thanks man,I hope they get big fast lol.
Coming to the end of the fifth week and they don't look like they will be done in three weeks.Maybe it is a nine week strain after all.Oh well they might have to get the shooting powder for an extra week like a ten week strain would


Well-Known Member
Thanks man,I hope they get big fast lol.
Coming to the end of the fifth week and they don't look like they will be done in three weeks.Maybe it is a nine week strain after all.Oh well they might have to get the shooting powder for an extra week like a ten week strain would
If they're not done in 8, I'd just flush for a week. That's what I'm planning on doing. The H&G only says to flush for like three days (if I remember correctly), and I don't think that's enough.


Well-Known Member
I plan to flush all but one of them to see if I or anyone else will notice a big difference.Also,how much more will the one yield.
If I were you,I'd just wait untill I harvest and then decide when to use the top booster and shooting powder.By then you should only be about 3-4 weeks into flowering correct?