Swerves "girl scout cookies" are fake

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milk leaves a residue.... use 3% hydrogen peroxide (h202)... 1/3 cup in a 32 oz spray boottle of water... every 4 days until harvest
what was done with the pm bud? was it sold as meds? why wasn't it trashed? why is it ALWAYS swerve or sub? ALWAYS!!!!!
And another RIU classic off the tracks thread is born.

Hey Swerve,

Keep doing your thing man. My comment about the moldy walls wasn't an attack on you, just an observation. The crack about the dinner tab and champagne is just a difference in style I guess. It kinda comes off as a bragging thing to me. Not my style I suppose.

You guys arguing about PM need to hit the beginner section here. Shit's funny
ahhh your a fool kid @Drain2waiste.. funny how i put out all the legit info only the real people in the know have yet your dumbasss is again a fool.. kinda like instagram kid...dont worrie you will see my shit everywhere the whole family like i said cuz im connected like that .. i got the real girl scout cookies then the cookies then the cookies 2.0 , animal cookies , pink panties and what else im missing a few.. so yup def fakes consider we ahve had them for almost 3 years now..before your fortune cookies moniker even existed.. i just didnt want to work with it cuz it was pointless but after recent events well shes going all out. so cry all u want kid yeah you drain2waiste get a clue kid..cuz ive been around for over 10 yrs providing genetics and well im not gonna stop anytime soon cuz a kid who no proof ..is saying im a fake yet i have [pics of flowering and vegging plants as well as info. yet im a fake ... you just a moron...

if it walks like a duck, and QUACKS like a duck ....it's a duck. "cuz i'm connected like that" .. i bet that little chimp Franco has more humility than this guy, and GHS is producing shit and you "see his shit everywhere".... I'm not here for this pissing contests per se. I'm sure swerve can grow me out of house and home. I just think you're arrogant, and (don't take it too seriously) you have a gang "crew" mentality. Whoever doesn't know, doesn't know... right swerve?

Keep that same "crew" mentality kid. I'm sure it'll get you far in life.

only a young and inexpeierecned or OCD grower looks at PM as any indication of growers skill . .

.shame on Swerve for not dousing his medicine in poisons,while in flower, for the precious fan boy critics pictures who still jock his nuts when the sun comes out

pro tip, if you got PM in flower spot treat fan leaves, yes oh my fucking god you have to spend time with your grow vs spray poison, 5ml gallon Zone from Dutchmaster, a good grower shoudl be able to produce a product worth smoking in almost any condition

lmfao , this petty and pathetic, dick shortening measuring contest cracks me up

when any of you have put as much time and effort into this industry as swerve or sub or any of the easy targets

i mean swerve or sub could drop a bead of ass sweat in a cut and provide more raw talent and focus for MJ than 90% of the people on this site

You're right about almost everything except that last sentence. You don't know who's on this site buddy, and i assure you breeders from yesteryear are peeking in and laughing at us right now.

On the other hand ....you're right about PM, BUT, if HT were to show up to do an exclusive on you ....is that how you'd rep yourself? Maybe it's not swerve's fault, maybe HT has full access and rights on the photos of his garden. idk.

but as far as your comments about PM your right! but a dirty garden, and dirty tables are prime for PM. and from the grow show my man swerve puts out in public ......well anyone could say... It's dirty ......

c'mon Italian boy .... it's in our genes to cook, lay concrete, grow tomatoes and wine, and last but not least.... CLEAN. pulrie. amico

ciao ciao Swerve ..
this contest of who can topple the confident guy, just cracks me up

people see what they view as cracks in his armor and then attack . . . . . news flash fan boys you dont get anywhere in life doing things , the way other people want you to do it . . .that is what work is, you know where you work for a some dude who sucks the life out of ya

if swerves cut turns out fake he will just move on to the next project of continue with it and call it something new . . . . .this i saw the

blooper in the movie while editing department dint catch so im special kind of hate is the funniest

keeps me laughing and gives me something to post about
milk leaves a residue.... use 3% hydrogen peroxide (h202)... 1/3 cup in a 32 oz spray boottle of water... every 4 days until harvest

I prefer milk. I don't get a residue when use at 10%. At 20% yes but not at 10%. H2O2 works as well, it breaks down into H2O after exposed to light for 24 hours.
if it walks like a duck, and QUACKS like a duck ....it's a duck. "cuz i'm connected like that" .. i bet that little chimp Franco has more humility than this guy, and GHS is producing shit and you "see his shit everywhere".... I'm not here for this pissing contests per se. I'm sure swerve can grow me out of house and home. I just think you're arrogant, and (don't take it too seriously) you have a gang "crew" mentality. Whoever doesn't know, doesn't know... right swerve?

Keep that same "crew" mentality kid. I'm sure it'll get you far in life.

You're right about almost everything except that last sentence. You don't know who's on this site buddy, and i assure you breeders from yesteryear are peeking in and laughing at us right now.

On the other hand ....you're right about PM, BUT, if HT were to show up to do an exclusive on you ....is that how you'd rep yourself? Maybe it's not swerve's fault, maybe HT has full access and rights on the photos of his garden. idk.

but as far as your comments about PM your right! but a dirty garden, and dirty tables are prime for PM. and from the grow show my man swerve puts out in public ......well anyone could say... It's dirty ......

c'mon Italian boy .... it's in our genes to lay concrete, grow tomatoes and wine, and last but not least.... CLEAN.

ciao ciao Swerve ..

if your that 10% no need to stand up , i think there are close to a half million members here not nearly as many active so guestimation 10%(of active) still is like 1000+ people min, the messenger character doesnt change the words of the message

and ya swerve makes himself a target with his arrogance but hey he has some great genetics, and the crew mentality does suck balls . . . . .but i think thats just the scene . . .lots of weird stuff going on . .as long as no one is gaffing cuts or strains then i say play on playa
if your that 10% no need to stand up , i think there are close to a half million members here not nearly as many active so guestimation 10%(of active) still is like 1000+ people min, the messenger character doesnt change the words of the message

and ya swerve makes himself a target with his arrogance but hey he has some great genetics, and the crew mentality does suck balls . . . . .but i think thats just the scene . . .lots of weird stuff going on . .as long as no one is gaffing cuts or strains then i say play on playa

In response to the first part of your post

Opinionated assholes like me or you will tell whether i'm part of the 10% .... but I'd rather stand ..heheh

... and in most cases the messenger's character does change the words of the message. .. Especially in the case of being a bullshitter.. almost exactly like The Boy Who Cried Wolf.

i can agree to disagree though ....

I can also agree whatever CC is doing they're doing right. They got the lovers, haters. They have a WHOLE thread dedicated to people talking shit about a strain that hasn't dropped yet..... which must tell you you've made a fucking wave in the biz...
if you really think about it is pretty funny,there is this online paparazzi trying to get pics of when hes falls in a puddle . . and it cracks me up,

i see where your coming from with the messenger thing . . . but agreed . .agree to dis agree
i never understood how all of a sudden if you make seeds or breed or claim to be a breeder , that you are expected to be perfect, no mistakes, no mishapps, if some dude in your crew screws you it tarnishes the breeder and not the fucker

cracks me up the kind of things we expect of people who are looked up to or are providers or have status

haters gonna hate
Because they are taking money from people for seeds. If they were giving those seeds away for free it would be different but when your taking peoples money shit needs to be as close to perfect as you can get it and what ever can go wrong you should disclose.
i hear ya, it is work and they deserve every penny, this shit wasnt so legal when most fo these guys were risking there a holes to share and produce genetics, and now thats its business as usual in the US, almost, thats all it is is business, and people either buy fords or Chevys the arguments between em are for truck gunrack owners,

i like stoney genetics thats it, and face to face i hear swerve aint to bad, who cares about a mans busniess persona, thats his business

but he did give out tons of free/replacement seeds

after he found the suspect male to be suspect he tried to make it right

to some it was damage done and a flame war forever

for others who accepted the situation for what it is, got good replacements and even others waded through the genetics to find gems

like the aliendog in the predator i run was from the same hermie packs all the others piss about, the breeder that made it spent 1000's

but got his gem, totally worth it

and im sure other with experience and patience got what they deserved too
I can't believe people are still spilling keystrokes over this nonsense.

20 pages of blabber over ceeds that aren't even available yet? If I were Swerve I'd be loving the publicity.

Again, IMHO if these beans are good we'll know soon enough. If not, we'll also know.
nightmare have you looked at cloneville fucken calvins shop he's got the cut for sale the thin mint

nice, been working with calvin since 2005 and calvin always has good stuff but sometimes he is not right on.
Example his skywalker og cuts are short stouted indica when we know that real skywalker og
is really mostly tall sativa. 70/30 I believe. I have noticed a couple other mistakes as well but
overall he has good stuff. Btw, I don't see thin mint anywhere at the web site. I must be
too stoned or I overlooked? Not listed yet or
is the thin mint reserved for V.I.P.?
yes it is tall i know and love the yielding sky walker og, lolz i gave him the master platnuim og way back wen i see he still has his secret stash do you know were i could relocat that buba gum og ow look on weedmaps all his new shit thier peep it under cloneville he finaly gave in, ya man i usto work with that cat and a few others back way back wen.. but ya man sometimes his workers suck..
This The whole cookies thing is gotten somewhat out of control however I do think that's swerve is a tool and all of his strains are hyped to the max.
I refuse to purchase anymore seeds from, or engage in conversation with anyone who enjoys substituting pronouns, adverbs etc with, but not limited to, Wit, Dat, Sup, Dis, Foo, Holla, and/or refers to exiting either a thread or physical location by proclaiming " I'm out." Starting.. Now.
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