swims great idea,imput wanted


Active Member
What y'all guys think about putting food out while swims plants grow?
In theroy they'll attack tha food not tha plants,and slowly pull far away for swims site


Active Member
What y'all guys think about putting food out while swims plants grow?
In theroy they'll attack tha food not tha plants,and slowly pull far away for swims site
haha now what might we be trying to detour away from swims plants.i think if anything food is going to bring pest into your plants and then the will move on to your plants.


Active Member
Yea im sayn leave a skimp trail far fae away from tha plants and then a bigg pile of deer corn or something, 300-600ft away,
or swim could put mice traps our,neem oil and chicken wire


Active Member
i dont think that is a good plan to many bugs and critters in this world for a shrimp tail to stop them 50 yards away .. why not look into a pesticide and like u said some chicken wire will stop deer . corn will get to exspensive they can eat a 50 pound bag in a night and that 10 bucks a pop i dont think its worth it . might i add a shot gun will take care of them.


Active Member
Lol,yea swim might c what happens,if something eats tip of leafs,then swim willtake some firecrackers
They'll b gone 4 gud,
I'm a bit concearned with rodents,I think I may get some traps but idk


Active Member
rat poison, and i use mouse traps, but only indoors, havent dont it outside yet, i'd probably step on it myself