Swiss Cheese Problem!- HELP!- With Pictures!


Well-Known Member
Tell me what you think and what i can do to save my baby! :leaf: Swiss Cheese 3 weeks since first signs of flowering. Ive been feeding with Botannicare Pro blend bloom, and Cal-Mag. Ive been having problems with pH levels, currently at about 5-ish. I cant raise the pH no matter how much I flush, so i was thinking about going out and getting either hydrated lime or dolomite lime, but im not sure which one. Im pretty sure its lockout of Mg or Cal, or shes burnt from buildup. Anyone got an opinion for me? I dont want her to die before her times up!



Well-Known Member
nor a lockout either, how are you testing your soil? Testing runoff is inaccurate, soil testers SUCK. They only real way to test your soils ph is a probe meter and it has to be a high quality one. Resume feeding with your veg food and the yellowing will stop


Well-Known Member
She won't die before her time is up. No doubt the plant has been through some stress while in veg and that probably shocked the roots which would have lead to a slowing of uptake in nutrients. Just keep feeding every other watering and keep letting that pot get dry in between waterings. That large shade leaves look like they will not survive the duration of budding but thats ok you get that with some strains. Just get a real regular feeding regime going that makes sure the pot goes dry before watering again, keep the feed up and try to shock the plant as little as possible and that includes trying to dig up the root area.


Well-Known Member
Just to explain it in simple terms, your plant is goin into a different phase of it's life, thus its using as much energy as it can to produce buds. Those buds that its producing have small fan leaves that surround them right? What do you think is feeding your plant in order to produce those leaves so quickly? Your flowering food is probably really low on the nitrogen dept right? The plant is now sucking the nutrient from the plant in order to produce these leaves. And since your flowering food doesn't have much N in it to begin with the plant is sucking it outta the fan leaves causing the yellowing


Well-Known Member
you dont think having my pH at a 5 in soil, and having those spots and chlorosis as well as burnt tips has anything to do with magnesium or is a pH issue? doesnt look like a nitrogen deficiency to me....


Well-Known Member
If you continue with the flowering food at this point. the yellowing is just gonna get worse


Well-Known Member
you dont think having my pH at a 5 in soil, and having those spots and chlorosis as well as burnt tips has anything to do with magnesium or is a pH issue? doesnt look like a nitrogen deficiency to me....

This is most common problem i have even seen, most people will think its a calmag issue but its not. Your plant is lacking NITROGEN. "google" yellowing in weeks 3-4 and you will get a million results. Feed that plant some nitrogen


Well-Known Member
I would use veg food for at LEAST 2-4 weeks after flipping your lights to 12/12 and gradually cut down the veg food and start adding some blooming food until you get your blooming food to full strength without any yellowing. That is not a calmag issue but there will be people that will post that's what it is but in all actually its as simple as adding some nitrogen. Don't believe the MYTH of cutting Nitrogen at flowering, cause the still use SHITLOADS of N in flowering, especially early in flowering


Well-Known Member
i just watered today with plain water. So should i add a balanced amount of veg and bloom when my soil dries out?


Well-Known Member
Does it say you can foliar feed with it? I'm sure you probably can.. I would foliar feed every other day until you get the def in check. If there is not directions for folair feeding then I would use 1/2 recommended dose


Well-Known Member
'WetDog' for president! what the hell, you changed parties or somthing!lol!

Heya max dude, i agree but you can help thinking it looks a little calcium deficient but as i found out calcium is a passive nutrient (transported in the xylem not phloem) so needs the plant to be drinking lots of water or it dont matter how much calcium is in the soil. An underfed or incorrectly fed plant will not drink much as it dont have the ferts there to make it drink neither wana, transpiration rate slows and that etc etc so yer i see how a deficient plant in flower easily shows calcium deficiency when in fact it just needs nutes.

There is a lot of truth to what you say but i never take it at face value i always look into it, the more i do the more you are onto somthing. Switching to 12/12 dont mean change ferts yet, maybe start of flowering and im mixing some bloom in with my grow, not really decreasing my grow though, at week six of flowering most of my growth is done and i can then go heavier on my bloom for last few weeks but yer i still need a little grow up to almost the end or i definatly see nitrogen deficiency.

I dont subscribe to the theory that plants should be allowed to go nitrogen deficient in flowering and dont like my plants to finish that way, any deficiency even at the end of flowering is lost yeild to me, organics takes the worry out of the nasty chemicals.



Well-Known Member
Yer i met him few times, what happened to Ron Paul? No way wetdog gona be president of USA but hey he got my vote!lol!


Well-Known Member
hehe, I'm pretty sure he just wants to grow his weed and help people out.. but in my perfect fucked up world he should be president. Dudes in his 60's, been growing pot for a LONG time and can actually work the internet and help others. He deserves to be pres in my book lol