Switch to veg after finding out sex?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently on a 12/12 from seed, and would like to know if after showing sex I could switch back to 18/6 with no harm to the plant?

Thank you all!

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
Usually it takes 7-21 days for a plant to show sex once it is mature enough in 12/12. A plant can be re-vegged after showing sex but you will likely lose several weeks of growing time while the plant is in shock and stress.


Misguided Angel
Some strains handle it better than others. The longer they take to show sex the more stress they could endure reverting back to veg.


Well-Known Member
When your plants show sex, just clone a bottom branch from a couple of your females. Thats your best way to go to get a good line going and your yeild on you first grow won't suffer.