Switched from Jacks to 321 to Jacks RO 12-4-16 and getting N toxicity


Well-Known Member
I finally got my Jack's RO.

Some very preliminary observations:

The bad:

- Even though I was careful not to buy a mix that contains ammonium nitrate, this stuff is still hygroscopic. It's not as brutally clumpy as Jack's other formulas that do contain ammonium nitrate, but there is still something in there that is doing it to a lesser extent. Could it be the Ammonium molybdate? It was relatively easy to break up into the consistency of soft brown sugar by crushing the bag in my hands for less than a minute, but it could be an issue if someone were to buy one of the large bags. The date on the bag was 2017, so maybe that's a factor too.

The good:

- It mixes beautifully. Clean and clear, with a slight blue-green tint to the water. Highly soluble. Not even the slightest particles on the bottom of my clear plastic testing jug.

- Consistently mixed, in spite of the hygroscopic issues. Measured 1 gallon test mixes were all equal values for EC.

- Stable. The PH test mix has been tested twice a day for PH stability. It's been exactly the same for 3 days.

- My water is close to a PH of 7. Mixing at slightly stronger than their recommended amount takes it to a PH of around 5.8, which is right where I like to be with my Promix. It's not a big deal, but it's nice not to have to care about it. This mix is potentially basic, which I prefer because I'm big on run-off and it's more easy to acidify the Promix if needed. That's one of the main reasons that I bought this high calcium RO formula to test.

-No dust. The upside of the soft brown sugar texture of this mix is that it produces no readily detectable dust when scooping and mixing.


That's about all for now. Time to do a few testers with it and report back in the future.


Well-Known Member
If you get all the air out of the bag it will store and stay dry. I get the 25lb bag, take a solo cup full of fert and mix with gallon of water for a stock solution. Its easy to mix from the concentrate/stock solution and you dont have to open the bag all the time. If it does absorb water and cake up it really doesnt matter if you make stock solution with it and mix final solution by EC instead of by weight.


Well-Known Member
I have some decent air-tight containers, but this stuff was already caked up before the bag was opened for the first time. As per your suggestion, I will definitely at some point make a concentrate, but after I've worked with it for a little while and come to know it better , and that's if I even keep using it. I like to regularly try new ferts.

Through some quick reading, I discovered that it's the magnesium nitrate that is the hygroscopic ingredient in this formula. Not a big deal though. It still breaks up with not too much effort... Not like the rock-hard clumping of ammonium nitrate.
Pizza I do add some epsom, but I am using well water that is more Ca. than Mg. if i was using RO water i probably wouldnt add epsom.
Rockymtn The RO and Tap versions are for the pH in the media not the res. unless you are recirculating. It is odd your res. Ph dropped like that with tap. I use well water also and my media pH dropped with Tap alone a good bit, and went up fast with the RO alone so i started alternating the 2, Tap for a few days RO for a few. I mix a res. every day though, so my res. may would drop if i left it a few days with Tap i dont know.
thanks for the tip about getting EC back up after transplant. I followed the loots schedule and the first watering I did was that microbial mix they list. That was yesterday but now I’m unsure what to do next do I give the microbes time to take hold or give them there first feeding. Any help today would be great and very appreciated. Thanks


Active Member
Hey all,
Wondering if anyone has any tips for me. I've been growing beautiful flowers for the last year using automatic watering in coco/perlite and feeding Jacks 321. But I would always at some point get N toxicity (deep green, tips clawing) but no actual nute burn tips. I always keep my EC around 2.0-1.8 depending on the plant. This time around I bought the RO version with 12-5-16 see if I could avoid the N toxicity since the nitrogen is all around lower without using the two part system of Jacks 321. But here I am, 1 month in and one of my plants is showing tip clawing again. EC is around 1.9 right now in the res. I also use a micro mix every two weeks. The only other thing I use is Si. These are all autoflowers by the way, so I'm wondering if these girls are just too sensitive? How else could I reduce the nitrogen with a one part besides lowering the overall EC? Before I would just lower the Part B of CalNit. It's not bad and they outgrow it, but I would like to have one grow with ZERO issues.

Thanks for any tips.
I as well tryed the ro 12-4-16 from 321. Im in Rdwc and don’t go over 1ec. I also had some clawing and n tox. It leveled out for the most part and all looked great otherwise. I also tryed jacks bloom for 2 weeks at flip just to see if It helped.
Started getting som cal issues switched back to the ro. The stretch for me with it was insane. I guess because of the N.ive not had BB ever do it that bad.
Another thing I noticed is they were brittle and I use silica up to a few weeks flower. Plants were healthy and frosty as can get but I won’t use it again throu flower. Is Awsome for veg! Just my 2 cents.
I as well tryed the ro 12-4-16 from 321. Im in Rdwc and don’t go over 1ec. I also had some clawing and n tox. It leveled out for the most part and all looked great otherwise. I also tryed jacks bloom for 2 weeks at flip just to see if It helped.
Started getting som cal issues switched back to the ro. The stretch for me with it was insane. I guess because of the N.ive not had BB ever do it that bad.
Another thing I noticed is they were brittle and I use silica up to a few weeks flower. Plants were healthy and frosty as can get but I won’t use it again throu flower. Is Awsome for veg! Just my 2 cents.
I’m new to jacks 321 my plants are only in coco now about a month. I have been giving 3.6 of A and 2.4 of B no epsoms salt. But I’m starting to see a yellow between the veins of leaves. Any help ??

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
I’m new to jacks 321 my plants are only in coco now about a month. I have been giving 3.6 of A and 2.4 of B no epsoms salt. But I’m starting to see a yellow between the veins of leaves. Any help ??
Sounds like Mg deficiency, looks like nothing.
You may want to reconsider your decision to omit the epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), especially considering you haven't used Jacks 321 before.
Nothing wrong with tinkering, but it's best to stick to the recipe the first time using a product.
Another possible culprit is that your coco wasn't fully buffered and is removing Mg++ from the nutes.
Sounds like Mg deficiency, looks like nothing.
You may want to reconsider your decision to omit the epsom salt (magnesium sulfate), especially considering you haven't used Jacks 321 before.
Thank you for the reply. This last feeding I did. I used RO water added 3.6 2.4 and the 1.1 of Epson salt. But the ph was like 4.5 so I added silica after mixing jacks and got the ph up to 5.6 give or take. I read that you add silica before you add jacks. Did I do it backwards? Nothing fell out of solution?? Add how do you read the EC I show a EC Of 1400 is that actually 1.4 ????


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reply. This last feeding I did. I used RO water added 3.6 2.4 and the 1.1 of Epson salt. But the ph was like 4.5 so I added silica after mixing jacks and got the ph up to 5.6 give or take. I read that you add silica before you add jacks. Did I do it backwards? Nothing fell out of solution?? Add how do you read the EC I show a EC Of 1400 is that actually 1.4 ????
If you know how much silica you need to use to have a rez at 5.6 pH, usually best to add it first. You can add it after to adjust pH as well.
I always dilute it way down if I add it to a rez afterwards, like 25ml mixed into 2 liters plain water.

1400 microseimens ( μS ) is equal to 1.4 millisemiens ( mS).
Most users on this platform use mS.

I agree with Billy, I would not omit epsom in coco. In something like Promix that is buffered with dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate) you
can get away with it.
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If you know how much silica you need to use to have a rez at 5.6 pH, usually best to add it first. You can add it after to adjust pH as well.
I always dilute it way down if I add it to a rez afterwards, like 25ml mixed into 2 liters plain water.

1400 microseimens ( μS ) is equal to 1.4 millisemiens ( mS).
Most users on this platform use mS.

I agree with Billy, I would not omit epsom in coco. In something like Promix that is buffered with dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate) you
can get away with it.
Thanks appreciate the info and reply


Active Member
I agree with above. Mag def. Always rinse and buffer your coco before using with 6.0 water.
Silica should be the first thing to go in your mix and let it sit, agitate for a while before adding nutes. I start at a 1/4 ml then work up till middle of flower. More you add the higher the ph. I’m in Rdwc and less is usualy always better.
When I started in jacks right at flower was when I started yellowing up. Mine was calcium def. If it happens to you just add a bit more part b for cal.
But stay on the recommend path jacks gives you and you should stay in the lines all the way throu. Make sure and add that mag! It’s needed or they wouldn’t say use it. A lot of jacks products need it because there is no sulfer and magnesium has it in it.
I agree with above. Mag def. Always rinse and buffer your coco before using with 6.0 water.
Silica should be the first thing to go in your mix and let it sit, agitate for a while before adding nutes. I start at a 1/4 ml then work up till middle of flower. More you add the higher the ph. I’m in Rdwc and less is usualy always better.
When I started in jacks right at flower was when I started yellowing up. Mine was calcium def. If it happens to you just add a bit more part b for cal.
But stay on the recommend path jacks gives you and you should stay in the lines all the way throu. Make sure and add that mag! It’s needed or they wouldn’t say use it. A lot of jacks products need it because there is no sulfer and magnesium has it in it.
Thank you. Jacks sent me a feed schedule called ( A and B fast track ) and I was following it Veg called for 3.80 g of a and 2.50 of B Flower called for 5.68 of A and 2.50 of B. That what I was using. But I’m going to follow the original 321 from here on Thanks


Active Member
Thank you. Jacks sent me a feed schedule called ( A and B fast track ) and I was following it Veg called for 3.80 g of a and 2.50 of B Flower called for 5.68 of A and 2.50 of B. That what I was using. But I’m going to follow the original 321 from here on Thanks
You can with good results. I’m sure you’ve looked around and have seen how others mess around with the formula but just use what works for you. Any tweeks you make just write them down so you can look back on for reference. You know how it goes. Some strains like to Eat a lot. Some not so much.
You got this!
You can with good results. I’m sure you’ve looked around and have seen how others mess around with the formula but just use what works for you. Any tweeks you make just write them down so you can look back on for reference. You know how it goes. Some strains like to Eat a lot. Some not so much.
You got this!
Thanks again. Yea first grow in a few years gave it up because of being diagnosed with cancer and given 6 months to live. But here I am 3 years later. I have to get a better tds and Ppm pen. I bought the cheap viosun the blue one I don’t know to much about EC yet so I just use a chart I found that converts Ppm to EC EITHER THE 500 ,600, or the 700 scale


Active Member
Nice job they turned out nice for sure. What is that strain. I Hate to hear about your diagnosis. Keep doing what you’re doing brother! Those drs sure can’t tell a Viking when they see one. You and I are both Vikings! I’ve got some crazy stuff going on to and I understand stopping for a while. I had to as well for a bit. Hard to do it when you don’t feel good no mater how much you enjoy growing. It’s my reward. Every part of it. Keeps me going! But there’s days I question is it to much but I just push back harder. I’m in Rdwc so it’s easy at least. Pretty automated. I have aspergilios flavos mold in lungs and there trashed already ha. They said there finding out it’s in weed from bad cures and in dirt and on leaves but not stopping me. I just were a mask out there and keep everything super sanitized. Dr Told me to get rid of all plants even house ones. Nope! It’s my passion. I’m glad you’re back at it. Helps the soul.
Where you using 321 or the 12:14:16 ro in pics you posted. I agree with the meter I would upgrade as soon as you can. A friend gave me a dr meter and it works well and there cheap with a year warranty and they do reward it. Right at end of year mine started acting up and I had a new one within the week! A little slow but so is my blue lab. But I’m slow to so all good.
Just throwing that out there. They are worth it.
Take care of yourself brother. Keep in touch.
Nice job they turned out nice for sure. What is that strain. I Hate to hear about your diagnosis. Keep doing what you’re doing brother! Those drs sure can’t tell a Viking when they see one. You and I are both Vikings! I’ve got some crazy stuff going on to and I understand stopping for a while. I had to as well for a bit. Hard to do it when you don’t feel good no mater how much you enjoy growing. It’s my reward. Every part of it. Keeps me going! But there’s days I question is it to much but I just push back harder. I’m in Rdwc so it’s easy at least. Pretty automated. I have aspergilios flavos mold in lungs and there trashed already ha. They said there finding out it’s in weed from bad cures and in dirt and on leaves but not stopping me. I just were a mask out there and keep everything super sanitized. Dr Told me to get rid of all plants even house ones. Nope! It’s my passion. I’m glad you’re back at it. Helps the soul.
Where you using 321 or the 12:14:16 ro in pics you posted. I agree with the meter I would upgrade as soon as you can. A friend gave me a dr meter and it works well and there cheap with a year warranty and they do reward it. Right at end of year mine started acting up and I had a new one within the week! A little slow but so is my blue lab. But I’m slow to so all good.
Just throwing that out there. They are worth it.
Take care of yourself brother. Keep in touch.
Regular 321 formula. They are the jelly Donutz from Humboldt’s