Switched to remo have some questions


Well-Known Member
I just switched from general hydroponics to remo mid flower and was wondering if I'm supposed to follow what there feed chart says or half strength , just seems like alot to add per gallon
People who run GH 3 part can answer this if you tell them how much you normally use? EC is universal, easier to help and give suggestions with proper data. Cheers!
Whyd you switch mid run?
switched mid run as i was having alot of problems with low N , a friend of mine had the entire remo lineup he offered for free so figured id give it a shot , and im glad i did budding has exploded and massive increase in chrystal production , only complaint i have really is when i mix the remo nutrients up it has REALLY low ph like under 5 , is this normal? i ph back up to 5.5-6 but is this normal for remo?