Switching from distilled water to tap, mid grow?


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the support guys!

And cracker you have a good idea, I'll water half the plants with distilled and and the other half with tap water, I'll still be saving some money. This way I will know for future grows if it's worth or not to shell out the coin for distilled water.
+ rep to the guys that actually helped me out thanks


i woudlnt worry to much about it, u should get a meter to check, usually city water is anywhere between 400 and 500 ppm, mine is 100 so i dont have much of a problem, i like to use RO mixed just so i can pure up my product a bit more


Well-Known Member
Usually tap water won't matter much if you have something like an RO filter on your water line. Many times municipal water has excess calcium which can cause magnesium lock. Regular water filters might get some of it, but they're not going to get all of it.

That being said, no, switching to tap mid-grow won't hurt too much, if at all, as long as you keep your pH maintained. You might get a little shock to begin with, but that will correct itself eventually.


Well-Known Member
i switched mine from tapto R.O about 3 weeks in, R.o is sure nice i notice no change in ph in a 30g res. over thee span of 2 weeks. But w/ tap the ph would rise .3-.5 every day fuck that its way to wuch time and monitioring. go to walmart they gota water machine out front it like 35 cents a gal.


New Member
Yes I agree. If you filter it of course then it is no longer tap water. But straight municipal tap water is not as good as distilled. :peace:

out. :blsmoke: