Switching to 12/12 question


Well-Known Member
Okay Im vegging for 18 hours from 11am to 5am and lights off from 5am to 11am.. My question is when I switch to 12/12 for flower can I flower say from 6pm to 6am or will this screw up my plant ??? Basically can I pick any 12 hours to flower or does it have to be within the veg time??
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Okay Im vegging for 18 hours from 11am to 5am and lights off from 5am to 11am.. My question is when I switch to 12/12 for flower can I flower say from 6pm to 6am or will this screw up my plant ???
You'll be fine...dark cycle will be from 6 PM to 6 AM? If so, give them the extra hours of dark instead of light when you make the shift.
So if lights off at 5 AM on a Wednesday, they won't come back on until 6 AM Thursday...a 25 dark period.

But quite honestly, it probably would not make a bit of difference one bit. Just make the switch when you're ready and it will be fine.
A lot of people start with a 36 hr dark period so I can't imagine when you start will matter. I like to keep it as natural as poss and cut the hours at the end of its day.