Switching to organic help/rant


Well-Known Member
Im switching to organic growing since im fed up with bottled nute. I’ve flushed so many times in flower this grow and need to do another tomorrow.

I wound like to buy a premed supersoil so I dont need to wait 60 days before I can use it as im completely done with bottle nutes and do not want to wait. I live in Canada or more specifically Ontario. This might be the wrong place/forum to ask this but if someone can point me in the right direction that would be awesome. Stupid shit like this comes up when i look up organic super soil



My plants are screwed. I’ve had to flush 5 times this whole grow. 3 times during flower so my buds are super undersized and under developed for the time of year. My grow is pathetic. I’m fed up with bottled nutes. I’m switching to organic but I need to buy everything for it within a week because my clones need transplanting right now. I don’t have time to make supersoil so if someone knows where I could buy premixed super soil let me know. I understand the concept really when it comes to the basics of organic growing. I understand organic is based around amending the soil and keep the microbs and bacteria alive (feeding the soil) rather then just direct soluble nutrients. One of the reasons i havent switched yet is because I have no idea where to get half this shit. I’m in Canada and I cant for the life if me find a pre mixed super soil. I’m sure there is plenty around as I live in southern ontario but when I look for pre mixed organic soil I get almost nothing with a description of what it actually is.
If someone wants to try and guess if my plants are in lockout or nutrient deficient take a guess. I flushed with 800 ppm (tap water is 350ppm so i actually fed 450 but still got symptoms of burning and over feeding) water 2 days ago an no change in growth, more yellowing. I dont have pictures of this but I have fan leaves turing purple around the edges mid way on the plant.
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Fluffy Butt

Well-Known Member
I let my no till soil cook for about a week before use with no problems.
Shoot for 40% aeration, with up to 10% biochar.
Per cu ft of peat moss and compost:
1 cup kelp meal
1 cup neem meal
1 cup crab meal
1 cup fish bone meal
1 cup dolomite lime
1 cup malted barley powder
1/2 cup alfalfa meal
1/2 cup gypsum
4 cups basalt dust
1. make compost. Very easy, you have compost in 20 days if you like, check youtube
2. dilute your morning pee, best fertilizer and has all major and minor nutrients (if you have a lady, then get her period blood. Sounds gross, but that just how we we have been dogmatised from society. I tell you, period blood is THE best fertilizer in the world. Reflect on all the hormone power with women? Imagine the end product of that energy? You get the point. If you have 3 plants of whatever in the garden, lets say cactus, try giving one of them period blood. If you dont see any difference I will send you a pound of weed :D
3. I see you have soil. Why then put your plant in a pot? Can you imagine someone trying to grow a redwood in a burlap? Roots need to go and be mainly selfsufficient and search for beneficial fungi and nutrients, its hard in small piece of plastic...and you need to water much more. I have 2 plants outdoors, first grow. I water them once every three weeks and never show sign of water deficiency - and it hasnt rained here for months

4. Mix your compost/composted manure/urea with native soil. Its totally crazy to buy soil when you walk on tons of soil every day? Think about it. Are your trees in your yard only growing with premade bought walmart soil? I guess not, LOL
And for next year. Its best to prepare your soil in the fall or early spring, then it is super ready for transplant in early summer. All the worms have been coming to it :)

Happy grow !!

3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
1. make compost. Very easy, you have compost in 20 days if you like, check youtube
2. dilute your morning pee, best fertilizer and has all major and minor nutrients (if you have a lady, then get her period blood. Sounds gross, but that just how we we have been dogmatised from society. I tell you, period blood is THE best fertilizer in the world. Reflect on all the hormone power with women? Imagine the end product of that energy? You get the point. If you have 3 plants of whatever in the garden, lets say cactus, try giving one of them period blood. If you dont see any difference I will send you a pound of weed :D
3. I see you have soil. Why then put your plant in a pot? Can you imagine someone trying to grow a redwood in a burlap? Roots need to go and be mainly selfsufficient and search for beneficial fungi and nutrients, its hard in small piece of plastic...and you need to water much more. I have 2 plants outdoors, first grow. I water them once every three weeks and never show sign of water deficiency - and it hasnt rained here for months

4. Mix your compost/composted manure/urea with native soil. Its totally crazy to buy soil when you walk on tons of soil every day? Think about it. Are your trees in your yard only growing with premade bought walmart soil? I guess not, LOL
Best synopsis I've seen in a while. Common sense goes a long way. Even had a few laughing points lol.


Well-Known Member
1. make compost. Very easy, you have compost in 20 days if you like, check youtube
2. dilute your morning pee, best fertilizer and has all major and minor nutrients (if you have a lady, then get her period blood. Sounds gross, but that just how we we have been dogmatised from society. I tell you, period blood is THE best fertilizer in the world. Reflect on all the hormone power with women? Imagine the end product of that energy? You get the point. If you have 3 plants of whatever in the garden, lets say cactus, try giving one of them period blood. If you dont see any difference I will send you a pound of weed :D
3. I see you have soil. Why then put your plant in a pot? Can you imagine someone trying to grow a redwood in a burlap? Roots need to go and be mainly selfsufficient and search for beneficial fungi and nutrients, its hard in small piece of plastic...and you need to water much more. I have 2 plants outdoors, first grow. I water them once every three weeks and never show sign of water deficiency - and it hasnt rained here for months

4. Mix your compost/composted manure/urea with native soil. Its totally crazy to buy soil when you walk on tons of soil every day? Think about it. Are your trees in your yard only growing with premade bought walmart soil? I guess not, LOL
sorry for the stupid long wait for a reply. i scrapped my clones because they honestly were nothing special. Not going to rush myself and half ass an organic grow. I found a company about an hour away that makes organic super soil ready to go. They also have soil for notill. I was recommended this soil from a friend (after I made this thread). I’ve noticed lots if people have had good results with there soils and products

I will also be using this recipe to start off once I get the soil mix. I think this all i will really need with maybe one or two top dressings (not sure of what) I’m still confused on what organic matter is used for top dressings.

Vegetation Tea
Recipe #1
- 5 gallons dechlorinated water - 1 cup castings
- 1⁄4 cup kelp meal
- 1⁄4 cup fish hydrolysate
- 2 tbsp unsulphured molasses
- 1 tbsp soft rock phosphate - 1⁄2 tsp humic acid
- Aerate 24-36 hours

No partner in crime for but may consider the pee, we’ll see lol

I grew in pots because I wanted to know what I was doing for my indoor chemical grow. However im changing to organic so that was absolutely pointless. Next year im running two batches of auto flowers because of where my outdoor grow is located they do not get enough sun during the end of september and october. The batch of autos I harvest mid summer next year should get plenty of sun. Yes the soil back my plants is very rich in nutrients. Shit grows like crazy back there. My plants would be so much bigger if i stuck em in the ground.

I’ll definitely consider making my own soil in the spring for summer but im hoping to be notill by then.