Swollen Optic Nerve...Pretty Scared.


Well-Known Member
I know I haven't posted here in a while...but I wanted to vent to some complete strangers, rather than my friends (it will worry you guys less, because you hardly know me)

I went to the eye doctor yesterday, because I broke my glasses in half in the morning. Since my mom works there, she was easily able to get me an appointment that day.

The guy was looking over my eyes, and saw that I had a swollen optic nerve. Originally, I didn't really care. He then asked me if I drink or smoke, to which I replied no. (so I lied on the second half)...he was fumbling around on his computer for quite a while, and then referred me over to the "Eye Hospital". He told me that I had gotten it THIS year, and not had it for the past 3 years. (So I immediately thought it was just some stupid side effect from smoking).

I checked it out, and sometimes it can mean that you have a brain tumor. I read the symptoms of having a brain tumor, and I have two that stick out...Random dizziness and nausea, and sudden loss of hearing.

So, I guess what I'm wondering is...have any of you been told you have this? I did some web searches and came up blank with any relation to ganja.

I'm really fucking worried. :cry:


Well-Known Member
im just kidding thats not true my moms still alive . my eye doctor told me I had solar retinopathy which you only get from staring at the sun. I have no vision problems or anything nor have i stared at the sun but thats what he told me. I told him he was full of shit. They must only have to take a five hour course or something those assholes dont know anything


Well-Known Member
Hah. That made me feel a lot better. :hump:

But seriously. I guess if it IS a brain tumor, there isn't shit I can do, right?

Lets burn one. Fuck it. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Hah. That made me feel a lot better. :hump:

But seriously. I guess if it IS a brain tumor, there isn't shit I can do, right?

Lets burn one. Fuck it. :joint:

I think he meant smoking cigarettes. And there is plenty you can do..a lobotomy..sounds painful, but is necessary. I knew a neighbor at my homeboys apartment who had the same problem, loss of hearing, random nausea and dizziness, fuzzy eyesight, imbalance..he had a tumor on his brain. They had to do surgery and take it out, and he has staples in the back of his head for right now.

Go to a neurosurgeon and get it checked out man, don't let shit like this wait. In these cases time is NOT a healer, but an even bigger detriment.

Good luck man, peace be upon you and safety too


Well-Known Member
Hah. That made me feel a lot better. :hump:

But seriously. I guess if it IS a brain tumor, there isn't shit I can do, right?

Lets burn one. Fuck it. :joint:
Sure there is..only a fraction of brain tumors are fatal..1st stay away from inter net Doctoring...you'll end up with fucking EBOLA...I'm going today to get the results for maybe the big C I don't think it is but my DR. likes to rattle my cage (prick).....I looked at my symptoms online and almost jumped out the window...A big sneeze or cough...shit like that can hurt eye pressures and nerves...you may have farted yourself into throwing a stroke worrying..that said..........Luck.