Swollen "sack" type lump at base of fan leaves at stem????


Active Member
Hello everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me to what possibly is happening here. First off, I'm fairly new to growing and have only done a handful of grows so far, so I'm not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to troubleshooting so please bare with me. Right at the base of each of the fan leaves at the main stem is some sort of swollen like mass that is protruding from it. This is my third round of growing my Cannatonic #4 and this is the first time I have experienced or seen this with both of my 2 plants, or any of my plants for that matter, and not sure what it is. None of the branches have been supercropped or bent whatsoever. Is this normal? It seems that this yield from it is much less than the previous harvests and believe that this may be the culprit. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks! Pictures are posted below.........



Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I just wanted to add again that this isn't just one or two of the fan leaves that has this issue on just one plant, it's every single major fan leaf on both of my plants that has this issue. I never have beat them up or been rough with them at all. Is this still normal? Seems quite odd to me or maybe I'm over reacting.


Well-Known Member
I was wrong when I said plant damage. sorry I only looked at your first picture
As your leafs get bigger the base of the leaf (Base of the Petiole)
Has to enlarge in order to support the large leaf
As was mentioned totally normal. :weed: