[h=2]Synthetic Cannabanoids[/h]
Lets not call them that since it suggests they have some relationship to the real thing. These chemicals are nothing like THC, totally different chemical structure, they just happen to bind to the same receptors so you get a similar structure.
What I've found, rapid tolerance and high addictive potential, strange issues with my lungs, fiending behavior.
BTW, most 12 year olds can get weed, thats why we need to legalize it so they will have the same hard time that they have getting alcohol.
Unlike pot, you can very easily overdose on this shit and it is extremely unpleasant hosptial type shit. Selling it to someone who flips out can wind up blowing back in your face.
I had 10 grams of JWH-018, I've seen where that leads and I suggest you don't go there.
Lets not call them that since it suggests they have some relationship to the real thing. These chemicals are nothing like THC, totally different chemical structure, they just happen to bind to the same receptors so you get a similar structure.
What I've found, rapid tolerance and high addictive potential, strange issues with my lungs, fiending behavior.
BTW, most 12 year olds can get weed, thats why we need to legalize it so they will have the same hard time that they have getting alcohol.
Unlike pot, you can very easily overdose on this shit and it is extremely unpleasant hosptial type shit. Selling it to someone who flips out can wind up blowing back in your face.
I had 10 grams of JWH-018, I've seen where that leads and I suggest you don't go there.