T@LL T33s Dell Pc grow case.......Bagseed..

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
Things have changed a little i converted to hydro and moved the 3 to my rubbermaid and put the ak47 named cindy in the hydro.... i need to get a timer for this girl soon and i plan to flower on christmas....

closer shot

there is rocks and two 1 inch airstones in the tub.....



Well-Known Member
A kit isn't going to cut it, unles your nute mix is completely clear when added to the tube.... I doubt it


Well-Known Member
yeah I gotcha I am just saying that you shouldn't bother with those pH test kits with the drops and stuff
Your nutes when mixed to the water will change the color making the pH test kit worthless and inaccurate
What nutes are you using?

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
im tryin to stay away from them unless it is needed what nutes are clear thanks for the info i never though of that before i just thought that ph is ph but yeah yeah the color would through it off....


Well-Known Member
My advice would be to get a smaller power strip, maybe just use a 4 plug square one. That would give you more room, then you could stick that in the 5 1/2" bay and hang the lights lower. I prepped a case for a stealth grow and just ended up ripping out all the drive cages, for more room. You just have to cut off the heads or drill out the pop-rivets.

I didn't actually end up using the case, since I managed to get a closet grow going. So I still got the case collecting dust in my boiler room


Well-Known Member
There are no clear nutes hahaha
And if you are trying to say that you are staying away from nutes in general than just scrap this grow now
You should have nutes in the rez right now with it pHed to 5.9
No offense dude but you haven't even had a successful grow in soil yet... why don't you master that before growing hydro?
You don't have the necessary tools or knowledge to have a successful soil grow let alone a hydro grow
Not trying to be mean but your soil plants look bad and that is supposed to be easier than hydro
You should have done research before setting all this up... I hope it doesn't turn out to be a big waste of time


Well-Known Member
You are going to need a lot of velcro, those pumps are kinda heavy and are vibrating all the time....

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
There are no clear nutes hahaha
And if you are trying to say that you are staying away from nutes in general than just scrap this grow now
You should have nutes in the rez right now with it pHed to 5.9
No offense dude but you haven't even had a successful grow in soil yet... why don't you master that before growing hydro?
You don't have the necessary tools or knowledge to have a successful soil grow let alone a hydro grow
Not trying to be mean but your soil plants look bad and that is supposed to be easier than hydro
You should have done research before setting all this up... I hope it doesn't turn out to be a big waste of time

haha thanks and i have a succesful outdoor grow in a 5 gallon tub and got more then two ounces so for the hydro grow that i will continue... i have one question should i look for nutes that claim that ph doesnt change the rez ph...???


Well-Known Member
No you should just scrap this grow and wait until you have a pH meter
Nutes claim to do a lot of shit that they never really do
Even with nutes that don't effect the pH you will still have to adjust it as the plant will eat more water to food or more food to water at some points during its life
It is not worth growing hydroponically without a pH meter, things will become a major pain in the ass without one


Well-Known Member
Well if the pump is too heavy you could use pipe straps and screw it to the case. If there's too much vibration use rubber spacers anywhere the pump or mounting hardware is touching each other or the case itself. You could also mount the pump on top of a piece of Styrofoam.