t.v light and dark period

a jon

Well-Known Member
just wondering if anybody thinks a couple houres of tv light will affect my dark period????
I suppose it would affect the dark period and maybe slow the growth of your plant/s. The idea is to simulate day and night with your lights and to the best of my knowledge you don't see flickering lights in the night sky so the tv might affect your plant, but on the other hand you do get moon light on outdoor plants sooooooooo your best bet is to just hang up a bed sheet or something similar to stop the tv light reaching your plants.

Are your plants growing in your room or a closet?
thanks for the imput..i guess i will hang a sheet to block the light..it is minimul light but there is no need to chance it i guess..
Well To Tell You The Truth A Small Amount Of Pall Light Like The Moon Would Proble Be Ok But Your Tv Light For A Few Hours. I Would Not Chance It My Self.
I agree.

I would have to say that TV light will be much brighter than moonlight usually.

No TV for your plants, make them study instead :]
not tv but in my room i have a little light leaking in, only really visable if you have been in the total dark for a few minutes. my girls are flowering beautifully? what are the dangers?
not tv but in my room i have a little light leaking in, only really visable if you have been in the total dark for a few minutes. my girls are flowering beautifully? what are the dangers?

The danger is that your plants may turn hermaphrodite. This means that they may grow male pollen sacks which will pollinate your entire grow, reducing your yield massively.

The dark period should be completely dark. Forget all this moonlight stuff.