T4 > cfl ?

i just heard from a friend about these t4 lights and such, i am currently researching

what can you guys tell me about these?

he's telling me they blow cfl's out of the water..

brb, researching...


bud bootlegger
i have a t5.. one of the four bulb two footer jobbies... and i friggin love it.... t5's are just basically high output fluro tubes.. and i think i have even seen them up to like 12 bulb four footers, which most be really kickass imho...
i got the t5 just to use for vegging a couple of plants under before i through them under my hps, but as i got the bloom bulbs as well as the veg ones, i am now using it along with the hps for flowering, and i and my plants love it.. i totally recomend them to anyone who will listen, lol..
i got mine from htg supply for about a hundred fifty or so...

Illegal Smile

T5s flat out rock. Cooler than cfls and more lumens per watt. And they flower just fine. I'd say they are midway between cfls and hps, and cooler than either. The only advantage of cfls is they can be put in clamp reflectors and positioned better so I use them on the sides in flower.


CFL 10 bulbs 26 watts
260 watts
17500 lumens

fluorescent 6 bulbs 48" 40 watts
240 watts
20400 lumens