t5 8 bulbs 5 plants, purps whites an more ina closet


whats up guys, brand new to the forums here on rollitup, thought id log my up commin little closet project.

this run will be my first quality seed grow so i couldnt be more pumped.

Purple pine berry -Secret valley seeds
White widow -Nirvana seeds
Grapegod -next generation seeds
EML -Porno seeds
Smile -Kanabia seeds

vegging under a 2 ft 4 bulb t5 for a few more weeks
Fox farm ocean forest soil

seeds where planted in party cups on the 22 of dec and have taken off.

transplanted them 5 days ago into 1 gal grow bags with a splash of some mycor on the roots

topped them last night and plan on scrogging each indivually in 5-10 gal pots

pictures are from.....the 28th of dec...... 5th of jan...... and today the 18th

stick around an enjoy :leaf:



starting to bush out and grow real fast.

the eml and smile keep stretching for that light. almost touching it every day when i check.
1 or so more weeks than these guys will get there new home under the 8 bulb t5 and they should pop!:mrgreen: not vertically but laterally under a screen :clap:

i think the thumbnails go right to left?

happy 30 days of life to the ladies

1. smile 2.purp pine berry 3. grape god 4. white widow 5. eml 6. group shot
and some of my currents blocking my space.. 4bulb t5 and led combo



on too day 35 of veg.

these ladies got there new home today, a 8L x 4W x 5H dimension box

light schedule got tweeked a little. got 8 hours of dark yesterday and 10 today.

hoping it wont be a problem, weed tends to fix it self, lets hope.

scratch on the closet, some complications with my space. im sure they'll like this better:clap::clap:

need to get an outtake fan in there, not sure how hot this 8bulb runs but im sure some heat's gonna need to go




and then they got stressed.... unfortunatly :finger:

there out of my reach for now, so keeping them constantly happy and healthy is a bit of a challange.

didnt get enough water and where on the verge of death, closely back to normal.

fimm'd the 2 tallest ones.... trying to work with the height i can before i move the light.

scrog screens commin on those 2 soon.
eml porno seeds and smile kannabia seeds..



back here with another update for those still watching.

the screens have came and been put into place.
got 4 individual screens 18x24 rectangles, this will let me move them around instead of most scrogs i seen where there stuck in place.

this is my first scrog so any feeed back or words of wisdom always appreciated.
few more weeks than ill switch to bud, and we will have colorful variety

heres some pics + this random bagseed sativa that has been flowering since begining of december. very interesting structure with huge buds and strands of calxy's poppin out everywhich way

enjoy :-o:weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:


seems like these forums get so much use! who's even out there watching?!
patience for the excitment but it will be beautifuullll....
Ill start out by saying they where moved back under my watch :clap::clap: i had to remove the screens for the move but they will be put back on shortley.

the plants are nice and stocky anyways... i figure a little stretch will help because the screens are a nice size and they have room to play in..

hit them with a nice boost of nutes last night when i got them in place... LOVEED IT!

another few weeks on veg.... there in 4 gal pots but at this point im thinking of one more transplant.

heres an individual snap of each plant and a few group shots... Plus a purp cutting from a friend... a new addition, total of 3 purple strains for this run:clap::clap::clap::clap: yummmyy

The labels in pics might be hard to read but it should be
EML porno seed, Grape God, White Widow, Smile, Purple Pine Berry



Looking mighty fine out here,
close so close to bud..... but the longer we wait the more we get

new home as u can see + some more light
got a 4ft 4 bulb added to my 4ft 8 bulb.

12 bulbs - 5 plants - 550 or 600 some wattt's

this room will soon have a veg in the back closet with a clone machine and in and out take.

currently have 1 6inch outtake fan pulling out but need another fan for intake and some ducting as well as the filter which will come.

baby steps, slowly but surely everything comes together.
working on raising about a foot or a little more, trying for them to drain straight into a bucket below so they wont need to be shifted around for water.

once there set there set hopefully

EML, GrapeGod, and Smile are all very close too root bound and will get 10 gal pots.
Purple Pine Berry and White Widow are smaller but will probably take 7.5 gal pots

lets makeumm popp, enjoyy:leaf::leaf:



so many people on this forums but can barely get a post!!:?:?:?

maybe bud will bring me some fans

canopy is thick and even! hopefully the 12 bulbs from the t5 will makum do work

week 1 + a few into bud, been probably 3 weeks or 4 since last pics,

stretching is happening and pistols are popping
its all comming together,
pic 1. grape god
pic 2 smile

pic 5 eml
pic 6 purple pine berry

maybe next weeks pics we will see color and frost :weed::weed: enjoy



we got a casual customer =) thanks for stoppin by truth gives me a little inspiration to post more

spidermites are commin in just as the flowers do, great so great, hit them hard with azamax for the first time...
about 3.5 4 weeks into bud now and flowers are in stock

4/20 heres a set of pics from about 1 week ago
a pic of the grape god cola
the WW and PPB showing its nice tops
The 2 scrogs EML and SMILE lots of tops :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

4/27 and a set of pics from yesterday after sprayed (shoulda took before.. fuckkkittt) :finger:
here we got the grape god cola again
a shot at the canopy
the last 2 are the eml..... this strain and smile where great canidates for scrog and so would the grape god, all massive rapid growing indica dominate strains, the Eml is the only one with some sativa in it and u can tell with the stretch

WHERES ALL MY PURPLE AT?!?!?!?!?!:leaf::leaf: soon ;-)



I am subbed up man. I find its hard to get posts on this site until buds come along.

I am currently working on a grow with the Tek4 T5 and scroging a Super Lemon Haze and Tangerine Dream.
Happy growing dude :D


sup ladies and gents, 4 weeks and a few days in and here we are

battling a few spider mites along with the process but it doesnt seem to be a big issue.

watered with nutes today, next set of pics should be really poppin!:mrgreen:
got a few cola pics had to show you all those trichs stacked!
1. PPB
2. EML
3. Grape God
be back soon:joint::joint:

