t5 cab grow poblems.....

I currently have 2 autos germinating directly in coco (75/25 coco perlite) under a t5 how moist should I keep the coco for the seeds to germ properly ? I am new to this so any tips would help .........:wall:



Active Member
I am using coco for the first time right now as well. I am just spraying the surface with water for my seeds. Like with any medium you just wanna keep them moist not drenched. I will start watering once the seedling is established. From what I've gathered coco with perlite has excellent drainage and it is hard to over water.
Can anyone tell me if I should keep the light on or off while waiting for them to sprout I've had people say off some say on ???
want it evenly moist throughout but not soaked, personally preference to keep lights on or off, I would keep them off to save the electricity