T5 Flourescent First grow... Helpful comments welcome


Active Member
Aren't all T5 bulbs UVB? My local hydro store has a bunch of them lying around. Do they put out more lumen's or do they put out more ultraviolet light then visible? Light is confusing sometimes. Props on your T5/HPS grow btw, you look like you got your shit down.


Well-Known Member
All gaseous bulbs emit UVB, however here in the USA the safety regulations require the glass to filter out UVB. There are specialty bulbs that are made for aquariums and reptile tanks that filter less UVB. It is UV radiation hitting phosphors and energizing them that make fluorescents work.
Sweet set up dude. Have you thought about introducing co2 into the mix ? It has brought about a big change in my ladies growth, and it's very cheap to do. Here's a cheap way I've found that works very well. First get a 2 liter soda bottle, wash it out good, and drill or punch a hole in the top for the gas to escape. Next put 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of yeast into the bottle with about a cup of warm water (bread yeast is fine). Shake to mix the yeast well, and add water to bring the solution up to 3/4 of the bottle. Next Add 1 to 2 cups of sugar and shake well. The amount of yeast and sugar will determine the rate and duration of CO2 generation. More yeast will result in stronger CO2 production, but will exhaust the sugar quicker. Using 1/4 teaspoon of yeast and 2 cups of sugar will result in CO2 production for about 4 to 5 weeks.

Remember co2 is oxygen to plants. But if you do this PLEASE make sure you put the hole in the top of the bottle cap to avoid an explosive mess. Not trying to tell ya what to do, you are doinmg great. I just thought this might be a helpful idea.


Well-Known Member
My plants? They get the CO2 from me and my SO being about 7 feet away for most of the day and then cold outside air sucked in by fan at night. :)


Active Member
My plants? They get the CO2 from me and my SO being about 7 feet away for most of the day and then cold outside air sucked in by fan at night. :)
What is SO? Heh do you have your fan on a timer too. I like the idea about the CO2 bottle. Does your plant really get enough CO2 from your breath? If that is the case my plant is likely to have way more then enough. I open the door bout 4 or 5 times a day rubbin my plants leaves saying "GOOCHIE GOOCHIE GOO GOO OOOH I LOVE YOU SO MUCH"

Ya i know i get attached:weed:

MySweet set up dude. Have you thought about introducing co2 into the mix ? It has brought about a big change in my ladies growth, and it's very cheap to do. Here's a cheap way I've found that works very well. First get a 2 liter soda bottle, wash it out good, and drill or punch a hole in the top for the gas to escape. Next put 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of yeast into the bottle with about a cup of warm water (bread yeast is fine). Shake to mix the yeast well, and add water to bring the solution up to 3/4 of the bottle. Next Add 1 to 2 cups of sugar and shake well. The amount of yeast and sugar will determine the rate and duration of CO2 generation. More yeast will result in stronger CO2 production, but will exhaust the sugar quicker. Using 1/4 teaspoon of yeast and 2 cups of sugar will result in CO2 production for about 4 to 5 weeks.

Remember co2 is oxygen to plants. But if you do this PLEASE make sure you put the hole in the top of the bottle cap to avoid an explosive mess. Not trying to tell ya what to do, you are doinmg great. I just thought this might be a helpful idea.
Do you really think that the bottle with that mixture will produce that much CO2 for that long, is there proof. I guess i just better read up on some people that have tested this sort of thing. I have heard many people have done this with there aquariums. It's a lot easier for us to do it though. Next thing on my shopping list for sure! I still need to get some good nutes. I think just some regular 12-12-12 and some beastie blooms would produce some good results. What is your preference on nutes Kali?


Well-Known Member
SO = Significant Other. And I don't have my fan on a timer. I manually put the fan in the window when it gets cooler out. I'm the industrious grower, always working on SOMETHING for the grow or working the grow itself. Usually this is a bad thing, but I know what I'm doing and I keep track so I don't screw up anything. Always backtrack, beat hindsight. And with the aid of the night time air exchange through the window, yes, my breath in the daytime is a perfect supplement. And usually I have a couple of other people over, so they give their contribution to the grow as well!


Well-Known Member
i know this is way off topic but,,... What size container should i veg and flower a plant in if i want it to get 5ft tall with a 400watt hps


Well-Known Member
i know this is way off topic but,,... What size container should i veg and flower a plant in if i want it to get 5ft tall with a 400watt hps
Depends on the method of growing. For soil, a novice grower could get a 5 foot plant with 5 gallon buckets. In DWC hydroponics, you could easily get the same with a 3 gallon bucket and still have room for another couple of feet, easily.


Active Member
Yay everything is going great. Except for the stock, it seems a little bent but i think that might be normal. It doesn't rally matter since i am gonna scrog it anyway. I say it needs to be trained that way anyway, I need to make it as bushy as possible. Does anyone have any idea's? I just took these pics the day of this posting check it outtttttt.



Active Member
Do you really think that the bottle with that mixture will produce that much CO2 for that long, is there proof. I guess i just better read up on some people that have tested this sort of thing. I have heard many people have done this with there aquariums. It's a lot easier for us to do it though. Next thing on my shopping list for sure! I still need to get some good nutes. I think just some regular 12-12-12 and some beastie blooms would produce some good results. What is your preference on nutes Kali?

Actually yes, I do. As long as the yeast is reacting on the sugar, there is a co2 exhaust. I make it a point to shake the bottle once a day to agitate the mixture. When I put my palm over the hole in the top and shake the bottle, there is a lot of pressure from the gas upon release. And you can actually smell the carbon dioxide. I also make a new batch of this about every 2 weeks, just so it is fresh and active. :joint:


Active Member
Actually yes, I do. As long as the yeast is reacting on the sugar, there is a co2 exhaust. I make it a point to shake the bottle once a day to agitate the mixture. When I put my palm over the hole in the top and shake the bottle, there is a lot of pressure from the gas upon release. And you can actually smell the carbon dioxide. I also make a new batch of this about every 2 weeks, just so it is fresh and active. :joint:
Ha very nice, but is the smell bad? I hear it smells like a mild fart! At least it is just another thing that will mask the smell of the cannabis. And hey while we are on that subject, what is a good way to mask the smell of marijuana?

I was thinking today about it and i had a great idea. Would using nice scent oils over a candle harm your plants? I'm gonna search some more for that. That would be a nice cheap way to mask such a smell. I'm gonna get cracked out on research again ha :shock:


Active Member
Alright so the temp as always is around 75 to 80 degrees, and everything is looking good. I do not see any sign of pest, and the soil without nutes seems to be keeping up. I believe that this is going to be a pretty successful grow, hopefully it is a female, because i still do not see any sign of sex.

There really is not much to say, besides of how fast it is growing. Does anybody have any suggestion on how i should go about scrogging this grow? I have a metal net that i have been working on but it seems that i will not need it because of how nice and bushy it is. I believe it would not matter since i am only going use this 1 and only gallon bucket. I still need to get some 3000k bulbs and some nutes. And get a get a ghetto co2 setup going.

It looks pretty :weed:



Active Member
Alright so i just took these pictures when i woke up this morning

I have not told you guys this but, i have not used the cooler very much at all. I just use it for a while at the old place. All i really needed was a bit more air flow. PC fans just don't cut it. The temps stay around 80 from the top of the plant, and 74 farenheit below the pot.

It has been flowering for 5 days exactly. I have just poured the first amount of fertilizer it has ever gotten besides the generic foxfarm mix. I am now using beasty blooms. I am using half of what it says to use. It now resides in a 2 gallon bucket, and i just changed the bulbs to full color spectrum (actually the bulbs are just 3000k/ red and 6000k/ which is blue > half red/ half blue)

I am really excited. This is not the first plant i have ever grew, but it is certaintly the first marijuana plant. "i was gonna say weed but the other 'accidental' plant was also weed heheh".

In the pictures you may notice that i have tied it down a bit. Well it may seem like i did not need to, but this way i can make it so most of the 'bud sites' are relativly close to the light. It is said by many growers to "expect the plant to grow 3X as tall when flowering starts". Those are not my own words mind you. You know, it is kind of nice to see such a rope help out it's 'own kind'. :hug:

As you can also see in the picture's, i have kind of screwed up transplaning it. The first amount of soil is slightly taller than the second amount of soil. So in result from watering, some of the underground roots became exposed. They were white at first then turned green almost immediatly. (next day).

Well this has certainly been quite an adventure. I can not wait until 3 weeks from now. We will see how good bestie blooms will do. My first female-Soda.

