T5 light comparison


Well-Known Member
Looking into buying a 4' T5 setup. I've kinda looked around online and the cheapest I could find was over at http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/grow-lights-fluorescent-c-321.html

They have 3 different models of 4' setups, The New Wave, Sun Blaze, and Hydrofarm. The New Wave model costs $300 for 8 light versions, while the 2 others are only $200. My questions are

Why? And what are the main differences between the 3?

Would I be better off shelling out the extra $100 for the New Wave model?

If not which of the 2 cheaper models should I go for?

Am i looking at the cheapest avenues of getting a T5 setup, if not where else should I look?


Well-Known Member
I have the Sun Blaze T5's 22"... I use two T5(red & blue bulbs) and two T12 agro sun(full spec).. they're great.... actually I used mt 430 to veg this time and the T's did a better job last grow...
Other places... here theres an ad at the bottom of some pages... also HTG supply .com.. insidesun.com.. In Canada Bustan....

these pics are at 4 weeks flower..




Well-Known Member
They have a 6 lamp for $160 at insidesun.com, besides that the prices I found seem to be the best, just trying to figure out which I should get... Am I fine going with the cheaper models around the $200 pricemark, or is it worth spending the extra money for the more expensive models around $300 for the same amount of lights. What are the advantages of these models? I'm guessing they are just slightly better designed or more sturdy or something along those lines.


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen on the fluro side.. they're basically the same.. not like HID where some models have more blue spec, specific life span.. etc..

Get the ones in the middle.... that way you can either get replacement blue or red flowering bulbs... I've got both...and both work well.. and the buds were not all fluffy like I was told they'd be... granted not as big/dense as HID.. but still very impressive...


Well-Known Member
Ya, I assume your right. It would make sense too, reguardless your using the same bulbs in any fixture. I'm guessing the price difference just has to do with the fixtures reflectiveness/ventilation/quality of materials. I'm now trying to decide between the $200 8 bulb fixture or $160 6 bulb, I'm leaning towards the 6 bulb but still not sure.


Well-Known Member
:/ Damn so I checked it out and I happen to live in Hawaii, and shipping here is going to be as much or more than the unit itself...I figure I'm better off going with something I can get at Lowes/Home Depot/Walmart etc. Do any of you know if they have any T5 fixtures that would work just as well? I'm guessing I will still have to order the 6500k and 3000k T5HO bulbs though... Will they still work in those fixtures?