T5 lighting?

happy smoker

Active Member
I am going to start an indoor grow. I watched that "I grow chronic" video and he says that i can veg under T5 floursenant lighting. I have 2 of the 4 foot fixtures, and am going to buy the T5 lights for them. My question will these work for like 6 plants , or is there a better bulb to buy? Just curious because i was reading reviews for the bulbs and everybody says they are dim.


Well-Known Member
How many T5 bulbs fit in each 4ft fixture?

It is my personal opinion that you would be far better off looking into Phillips HPS retro white (AKA ceramic metal halide) for veg, because It will produce shorter inter-nodal spacing compared to T5's.

But, T5's are definitely a decent solution for veg. You may want to go buy a couple 48W 6500k CFL's to help supplement the T5 lighting though.

happy smoker

Active Member
The fixtures hold 2 each, it will be in a 4x3 box. I am planning on buying some cfls also. I really am wondering is there a certain kind of T5 to get or will just any work?


Well-Known Member
I would not get my T5's from lowes, because they (to my knowledge) do not sell High output T5's. If I were you I would order at least six 54W 6500K T5 bulbs, so you have a couple of spares if they are ever needed. Usually your local hydro shop will have them, but I personally bought my HO T5's off the internet, because the price was better by like $10 (Compared to my local hydro store, shipping included)

Hopefully this is helpful to ya :)


Well-Known Member
There are two types of T5 lights; T5 and H.O. T5 (high output) and they are completely different animals. The second thing to know is the reflector; there are many crappy ones (they sell for low, low prices) and the computer designed parabolic reflectors (not so low, low prices.) The lighting systems with the high quality ballasts and the individual reflectors (each bulb has it's own reflector, thought the reflector may be one solid piece for 4 or even 6 bulbs) are what you would want if you are going to grow plants and such. ATI makes the nicest fixtures I have seen. TEK (Sunlight Supply) is a high quality fixture as well.

From guys who own really nice light meters, the G.E. 6500K daylight bulbs are the PAR monsters of the T5 world.


Active Member
When I started growing I used high output t5s throughout. Even now that I have a 600w HID I still use my 8 bulb t5 reflector for seedlings and early veg. IMO as long as you get a good reflector and bulbs you won't regret the purchase.

happy smoker

Active Member
well i got an education on the t5. I went to my local hydro shop , and now i am looking at buying a 4ft-4 bulb unit. The hydro shop had a pioneer jr for 125 , but it was a 2ft-4 bulb. Any ideas if these are any good. Trying to go a little cheap right now, as i dont know how the whole indoor will work out for me. Also i plan on getting a 600 watt HID for flowering. Any input appreciated.

Clint Torres

New Member
I used to use the 4 foot/four bulb fixtures but they created a LOT of heat. I switched to a 400 watt HID with a switchable ballast that has a 10% boost option so i run 440 watts. I was using, I think 50-54 watt bulbs in my T5s. i now use 1 of those for seedlings, cloning and beginning vegging for two weeks then put them under HID counting that as the first week.

I assume that your fixture is what, like 15,000 lumens? Mine with 4 bulbs is at 22,000 lumens. your set up sets about a 2 square foot area going by 4' x .5'. Mine is 4 sq. ft. being 4 x 1. So you are looking at about 7500 lumes per sq. ft., rough estimate. This is good for vegging. use blue for veg and red for flowering to simulate seasons.

you are also running about 45-50 watts per sq. ft. which is great for beginning stages of growth including vegging. Adding two more 4' T5s would still be about 7500 and still about 55 watts per which would get more light to the under growth and produce vigorous growth. i had a GREENHOUSE co. White Rhino that grew like a head of kale under t5s. granted I had a 4 bulb fixture over the plants and one mounted to the side of the wall to bath the sides in light. This burned the plants a bit though.

I would advise growing more like 4 plants in one or two gallon pots and keep them short. Like change lights whe plants are 10 inches tall. Top them leaving four tops as this will really bush them and keep them shorter w no real loss in yielad. if you do grow 6 plants I would advise either another 4' fixture w/ 1 or two bulbs to hang right next to the 2 bulb to give a larger area of light. or you can get a 250 watt CFL with an Econowing reflector that has a built mogul socket for like $80, hang it at the end of your fixture and you will be able to get 6 plants easy.

I really advise upgrading to HID lamps if you can.


Well-Known Member
How many T5 bulbs fit in each 4ft fixture?

It is my personal opinion that you would be far better off looking into Phillips HPS retro white (AKA ceramic metal halide) for veg, because It will produce shorter inter-nodal spacing compared to T5's.

But, T5's are definitely a decent solution for veg. You may want to go buy a couple 48W 6500k CFL's to help supplement the T5 lighting though.

I have these in my veg room and thats the ticket!!! I have a 4x4 tray and I have 12 plants in veg.. it took time but i have all fems and I love the slow thick growth im getting!!! Mx

chongo bongo

Active Member
Did you just go buy the shop light fixtures at lowest or Walmart? If so, these won't work for t5's. You need an actual HO t5 fixture.


Well-Known Member
You gotta get the Ballast that supports HO bulbs. I built my own off the internet. Just order the ballast and end connectors(can't remember what there called) and 54w HO bulbs. Your gonna need 2 exhaust heat out if in a tight area also.
Gonna need some skills on measuring and a little wood work for making your own hood/fixture for it.
And for max plants I did 6 plants in a veg cab under 4-54wHo bulbs for lil over a month.......they were topped and bushy as hell and every other day had to change level of lights when they were growing off for the race.....I would always rec. T5 fro veg they are the bees knees.
I used HO T-5s in a 2x4 darkroom throughout the entire life cycle and was extremely happy. It was a 4ft 4bulb fixture, put off an incredible amount of light, produced little to no heat and is able to basically sit directly on the plants.


Active Member
Unless you're only using it for clones and seedlings, I'd recommend forgetting about T5 lighting. Instead, get yourself a 400/600W Metal Halide lamp for vegetating plants and you'll see much faster growth. If you plan on buying a 600W HPS for flowering anyway, why not just spend a little extra and use HID lamps throughout the process. They even have switchable ballasts (MH/HPS) and HPS bulbs with enhanced blue spectrum. The light intensity of T5 bulbs is minimal and it does not penetrate well. Not to mention, T5 bulbs are expensive.


Well-Known Member
I live in the Toronto area in canada and 1 t5-ho bulb is 19 bucks thats expensive when a fixture has 4,6,or 8 bulbs I use my t5's for veg then i use them hanging vertically as "side lights" aswell as my HID from the top


For the record, Mr Green in the "I grow Chronic" vids uses T8's. a VERY low powered choice. It will work, but your plants could end up spindley.

I use the 6 buld T5 from HTG, I believe its the Slimstar. Its pretty mint. I still prefer my 400w MH for veg though..