T5 Lighting


Active Member
I've used the from seed to havest on a small crop of LowRyder #2 with Dutch Master's Liquid light. If you just want a bit of personal smoke they are fine, but if you want any kind of a decent yeild don't flower with them IMO.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the info guys... How much lighting would you go with if you were growing in 5 gallon bucket dwc? Just wondering


Active Member
Lets get something staight. I dont give a shit what anybody uses, thats their bussiness.I'm just giving my opinion on the t5.If you think you cant get a decent yield using them, then you dont know what your talking about.hey vegan you must be talking about home depot t5s.


Well-Known Member
I personally hate my hps 400 watt light, its too damn hot and its even air cooled. i think b/c i live in Florida or anyone that grows indoors in a really hot state should consider the real T5(40k lumen) all I am saying is my plants under that hps are ok but seem heat stressed at times yet the ones in veg under my 4ft 8 bulb T5 are green and bushy and basically loving life in their 77 degree ambient temp with the light 2 inches away,lol. You can grow amazing buds from a T5 my question is can the buds grown under t5's produce enough resin or comparibly as much as those under a good HID. I mix my bulbs blue and red, got the idea from VV:-)


Active Member
stuck,a 4 bulb t5 would be fine. since your only trying maintain it. mh is alot of power for just a mother. bilnk, the resin is comparible. and i'm from florida too. hids were killing me with the heat and bugs.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a 4 buld ho system should work good. T5's still put off a lot of heat. During a hot summer I have to turn half my T5's off to keep my heat down.


Well-Known Member
yeah I got fed up with the heat man, I stripped my 400 yesterday and put my T5 8 bulb in my flowering room with mixed bulbs blue and red specs. My temps are 75 at night and 78 day:-) much better than the 88 i was hitting with the 400 hps. I am over the HID heat its touch in hot states to maintain reasonable temps. I have a 6'' phat filter exausting the room w/ a seperate cooled hood and still was hitting 85-88 range BRUTAL. I am way happyer today:-) and the plants seem to be more vibrant in 24 hours of the t5


Active Member
but do you get a good yeild and resin because after reading this thread im torn between hid or t5 will t5 grow more than one plant because i want about 6


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys Just Wondering If Anybody Seen My Questions A While Back Before These Others Dudes Started Posting Questions In My Thread?


Well-Known Member
How much lighting would you go with if you were growing one plant in a 5 gallon bucket dwc? Or What kind of system could i use if i wanted like say 3 or 4 dwc buckets how would i need to hook them up detail please
Just wondering