T5 Still growing GREAT at 54 days!!!


Active Member
Flag USA.jpg100_1599.jpg100_1610.jpg100_1603.jpg100_1617.jpg100_1612.jpg100_1608.jpg100_1614.jpg100_1609.jpg100_1613.jpg100_1619.jpg100_1600.jpg100_1615.jpg100_1622.jpg100_1618.jpg100_1620.jpg100_1621.jpg100_1607.jpg100_1611.jpgPics of the girls at day 54 ,just got fed HB Honey and Molasses 1 gallon each no runoff, The tricones were still all clear today on both girls but i know you people want to see them one has more red hairs than the other. This is my grow table ,nutes equipment bubbler,water reservoir,my seedling tent ,the large cutting is from the girls to keep the strain going the other 4 are 2 purple urkel,1 roadrunner ,1 critical,nest crop.and then the cabinet,with a/c which have not used on this grow temps never reached above 84 so that is it .Happy Farming Cajun Happy 4th Deja "The Wonder Dog":blsmoke:


Active Member
Ok last post on this thread , It weighed out at 3 oz of good bud and 2 oz of good shake so i am happy ,yes HPS And MH are better but cost more to buy run and keep cool with more bugs also , I will get more lighting for my next grow ,anothe r T5 grow Happy Farming ,Cajun