t5 venting question


Active Member
i've got a t5 2foot, 2 55w ho blulbs, 10,000 lumens in a 3'Lx 2"D x 3' high for mothers, and the temps get to 95 with two computer fans, looks like i need a another cage fan, but what size do you think would be enough? would a couple 6 or 8in duct fans work?


Well-Known Member
you must have done a real good job of sealing that box if heat is an issue with t-5's. What is the amboent air temp?? VV


Active Member
ambient air is about 74/75ish. it was in a closet tho, that proably helped it up. i just ordered the dayton 140 fan for it and will be venting outside the closet and see if that works.


Active Member
so i got the 140 , blowing mostly outside the closet (under the door actually, so most of the air is vented outside the closet but some still remians in, and the temp with the light on 24 hours gets to 89. is that still too high? it got to 95 before without the fan in only a matter of a few hours, so im i think its alright, but anyone have any info on if 89 degress is to hot for a max temp?. amibent air according to my apartment thermasat is 72.


Well-Known Member
yes it is too high. you want temp between 70 and 78 degrees. Could you provide some pictures, I recommend the t-5's all the time for closet grows because I don't have heat issues with them. HHmmmm.......VV


Well-Known Member
VV im going to be ordering some t-5 very soon thanks to you. in regards to this members question and my own, what is recommended to cool a t-5 since there is no air cooled hood. im going to use two four foot four bulb t-5s all the way through, cept for clones which i will have growing under my old t-12's. im also in a closet so well see what happens. Go Team t-5!!! :joint::peace::blsmoke: